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(to come) 





So here's the Hawker Typhoon. It was my first experience with an airbrush. A big shout out to Sgt. Andy for all his help, encouragement, and generosity. The airbrush was amazing! I can't wait to improve in my use of it.

(The silver on the leading edges of the wings and tail is weathering, not the flash from the camera.)

Here's an overhead view so you can see my weathering and camo masking. For the mask, I used a thin cardboard template attached with sticky-tac so that it would sit high above the surface of the plane and give the camo a feathered edge.

The panel lines are raised so i did them with a pen and a straightedge. Not really happy with them.

Also, I scratchbuilt one of the guns as my cat broke one just after the whole plane was painted. Bad kitty.

I really like the tail. I used brown chalk wash to simulate muck and drybrushed the joints to show wear.
Nose shot shows a little of the front-end weathering and some exhaust and the impossible-to-get-to-cover yellow paint. I officially hate yellow paint.

And lastly, the belly. I painted the invasion stripes rather than use the decals and am pleased with the results.

Of course, the landing gear is up.







