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This is a 36"X26" charcoal drawing. It was the final assignment for drawingI my first semester at fmcc. I call it "Trapped withing Elements."

This is a 14"X17" graphite drawing. Its called "Reach for Truth."

This is an 18"X24" graphite drawing. I did it for studio art my third semester at fmcc. For now, lets call it "Pumpkin." (This is why I'm an artist not a poet...)

This is an 18"X24" charcoal drawing. I had to do a self portrait for my portfolio for SUNY Purchase and this is what i came up with. It's kind of a subjective/objective portrait. It sort of looks like me......

This is a bunch of little drawings of familiar objects drawn upclose. They're all glued to a 19"X25" piece of black paper. It's called "Study."

This one I call "Forks I." Its a series we have to do for drawing II. I'm working on the second one as we speak. There has to be three all together. Its an 18"x24" charcoal on paper.

This one we had to do in drawing II class as well. Its based on february and winter. So I'm gonna call it "February." Nifty. Its a 18"x24" colored pencil on black pastel paper.

I dont generally name my artwork, which i should really get in the habbit of doing... but I think that "Queen of Curls" would be an appropriate name for this one. I did this for drawing II this semester, we had to take a part of human anatomy and an organic object, and combine them into a drawing. I chose the face and a handle off of my dresser. Its a charcoal drawing, and measures about 32"X40", I'll get the exact measurments later.

I call this one "Escape from Self." Its somewhat old, its a 18"x24" charcoal drawing.

I call this one "Unfinished Business." I dont think its finished, and I'm not very happy with it. I'm probably going to make a sequel to it, and hopefully I can call it "Finished Business."