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- 10/30/02 - I finally bought domain space and figured out stupid ftp crap thanks to a long-time buddy of mine who's knowledge has proved superior to any other being that i know. Right now I just have some test html crud up so I know it works. If you would like to go there to see the pretty purple screen or want to update your bookmarks, here's the new site: Enjoy! Pretty soon I'll have this site with a link over to the new one.

- 09/8/02 - Yeah, so I guess I never really got to updating like I wanted to, but I assure you there is a darn good reason. I'm currently working on a whole new web page with simpler back grounds and fancier buttons and a more readable format. I'm using Dream Weaver. And since angelfire only gives me 20mbs of webspace, I'm going to buy cheap web space for 5 bucks a month and have no ads to distract from the page. I also plan on getting my own domain for cheap. I'm going to add one more section to this page for my own personal reasons, but after that don't expect any updates except for updates on my new web page. But for right now I'm going to add camping pictures for some special people. They should be up real soon.

- 08/28/02 - June, July, AUGUST?!?!?! Yeah, yeah, yeah, I've been busy, deal with it. I'm preparing for one big mass update. I decided that I'm not going to feel like sleeping tonite and I'm going to make a big ol' update. It's been a while since I've tinkered with html so thats going to take me a bit to get used to again. I hope its like riding a bike.... So yeah, I'm going to update tonite, and if i don't do it tonite, maybe I'll do it tomorrow night, or something. Either way keep your eyes peeled, and remember, keep the guest book clean, my dad has a shotgun.

- 05/08/02 - I'm just updating the news, just reminding you that it is the month of may! wahoo!!

- 04/22/02 - Check out Shayna's stuff, I just added "Absolute Power." Also I did some major show updates, I finally put the pictures up from the 3/21/02 show. Theres The Arsons, The Unseen, The Pietasters, and the Bouncing Souls. Go and look at them NOW!!!

- 04/19/02 - OH MY!! Two updates in one day... wow. I updated the outdoor picture section, so check it out. More fun outside pictures! Wahoo!

- 04/19/02 - I finally put some sculptures in the sculpture section. Wahoo! Also, I have some really beautiful pictures from some hiking excursions I went on this week, those should be up soon.

- 04/17/02 - It's another one of those two updates in one day kind of nights! I FINALLY put Shayna's lyrics in her section. That link has been empty for a month and finally I filled it. Sorry!

- 04/17/02 - Within two days, and I have another update. There's really no exciting changes except for some minor background and color scheme changes. Oh yeah, there's a few layout changes on the home page too. Enjoy!

- 04/15/02 - Finally! An update! Check out the artwork and pictures sections, those are the ones i updated. More stuff soon to come!

- 03/26/02 - Sorry I haven't updated in forever, and I dont plan on updating until I get some really important stuff done. So all you who have beef with this are just going to have to scratch yourselves and be happy. I'm thinking sometime in April I'll update again. Deal with it. =P

{Friend's Work}
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