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This is F-timmi when they played at Saratoga Winners March 1st, 2002. It was a wild show. The way F-timmi gets involved with the crowd is amazing. There's a real connection between them and the crowd. I remember the first time i saw them play at QE2. They're still just as great since i saw them two years ago and now they have great crowds to complement them. This show at Saratoga Winners was a crazy, hope I can see 'em when they play at the end of this month. I have to apologize for some of the pictures, a lot of them came out really crappy. But I'm really getting better at using my camera, I have a lot of good pics of other shows I went to that came out better. Sorry F-timmi! I'll take better ones next time I see you guys play.

This is Brian's bass after he cut his finger and got it all bloody.

Mike smiled for the camera, Mike is cool.

This picture came out unbelievably cool. It double exposured all on its own.

This is one of the very few pics I was able to get of Doug. He didn't like coming over to my side of the stage very much.

This is Chad. Chad must have super powers. Everytime I took a picture of Chad, he would glow red. This is why I think Chad has super powers.

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