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- 03/4/02 - Well I finally did a little bit more updating. I put some of the F-timmi pictures up from friday. I have lots more to put up, plus Prevent Falls, and other bands pics to put up. It's probably going to take a while since im so busy all the time. Deal with it =P.

- 02/28/02 - WAHOOOO! I called up Chuck at the Cyber Cafe to finalize the plans for my artshow. Basically I can put up anything, as many things as I want or can fit in there. The opening is March 8th, at the Byte This Cyber Cafe.

I added pictures to the friends page, there's a lot of them and I have lots more to add. I have to think of a way to organize them all. Also, Carla just started a webpage, click HERE. I put the url to her page in the links section too.

I've been really busy w/ this art show stuff and projects for school, so if I seem cranky, don't take it personally =P Everyone enjoy your evening!

- 02/24/02 - Hello everybody. I've been getting complaints on my colors and how some dont match and how you can't read some of the font. Well im gradually trying to make it better. The font on the artwork page dosen't really match at all, but its the only color that is readable, and I really like the background I made for it so it's staying.

I'm currently adding this and that to my page. I added borders to all the artwork in the artwork section I have on my page. Right now I think I'll add a "My Friends" section. Enjoy! =P

- 02/24/02 - Well, I did some major updating to the artwork section, as promised. I havent put the borders on the pics yet, don't worry, I'll get around to it.

So yesterday, after work, Shayna and I do our "go-for-coffee-at-the-cyber-cafe" thing, it's our saturday ritual. I had brought my sketch book to show this young couple my sketches, because they're interested in finding someone to paint a huge wall mural in their home. Well they want me to do it and I'm going to do it in May probably. But wait, it gets better.... I showed the owner of the cafe my sketch book and he asked me to do the art show for the month of March!!! I'm really excited about it and i spent the day going through a lot of old artwork and touching up some things. I have a lot of work to do this week, so I probably won't get to updating my page until I get the artshow thing all settled.

- 02/22/02 - Finally! I got my tongue pierced!! I dont know about you but im excited. To take a look at it click HERE. Me and Shayna got to Needlewurks at 2pm, only to find out that the piercer wasn't going to be there till 5pm!! But being the great friend Shayna is, she called work, told them that she was going to be a bit late, and we hung around Saratoga until 5pm. We even sat in the parking lot for a while. I guess now we're freaky stalker chicks.

So in other news today, I finally got one of my works on the page... don't get all discouraged because you were expecting more, I'm gonna work hard next week to pin some more up for you.

Right now I'm in the process of shrinking some pictures from the crappy show last night, and converting them to jpeg for all you losers with slow computers and slow internet connections. YOU ARE ALL HORRIBLE PEOPLE! =p j/k. Anyways, I should have some new and exciting pictures up by Sunday the latest.

- 02/21/02 - And the debate over who owns the rights over the decication to blink 182 page continues!! As you will read in the guestbook,Irwin claims "alex takes way to much credit on that page he did, w/o me it would still be nothing but a txt doc on notepad." Alex, do you have a comeback?

Who owns rights to the Blink 182 page? Is it Iriwn? Or is it Alex? Maybe both put equal time and effort into that page? Stay tuned to find out more..........

- 02/20/02 - Hello guys and gals! I just got home from Best Buy, I got my new digital camera, and let me tell you, its really sweet, the only downfall of it is that the battery sucks major butt! It doesn't last very long to say the least. I just got it and I'm already charging it. Oh well, I suppose I can just buy another one. Anyways, I have the digital camera and I'm working hard at getting some pics for my site. There should be some major imporvements in the next few weeks, so keep checking back!

I owe a major "I'm Sorry" to Alex, Irwin's kick ass bro, I put the link to his blink 182 site thinking that it was Irwin's site, but I was wrong. Have no fear Alex, here's a special apology just for you, and if you check out the links section, you'll see that I corrected my mistake there as well.

Lastly, whoever "Yo" is that left a message in my guest book, well, my dad has a bone to pick with you, and he's a pretty big guy. Better watch "yo" back!!

- 02/19/02 - Well here it is, the Grand opening of my web page, aint it grand? Tomorrow, hopefully, I'll be getting a digital camera, so i can take pictures of my artwork and display it all on my page.
If you have any poety, artwork, homepages, and/or anything else you would like me to display on my page, you're more than welcome to sign my guest book, or email me at Also, I'm always up for suggestion and comments.

- 03/12/02 - I've updated my site more than I've updated the news section. Deal with it. I have a stomach virus so prepare to hear me whine and moan about it until I'm better. I'm slowly adding a friend's work section, so everyone send me your writings and/or artwork! I'll see what i can do. So far I've got one poem from shayna and a bunch of works from Rich. I'll get them all up eventually. And as more friends pictures goes.... as soon as i figure out a way to organize them better I'll update that section. I have lots of stuff to put up in there.

- 03/12/02 - Hey there, again. Two updates in one day, can you stand it? Well anyways just wanted to tell you all I put up the Prevent Falls pictures. I feel so bad, they came out really crappy. They don't do them any justice at all. They really are a great band and you all should go check them out sometime.

- 03/12/02 - Hey there. I finally put up the rest of the f-timmi pictures on my site. I have TONS of pictures to post on my site, but its going to take some time. I have to shrink them all so they don't take too long to load. 600x800 is just a tad to large to put on my site. So anyways, check out the new f-timmi picutres, I'll be featuring more bands on my site soon, just be patient. I'll work on it more tonight.

- 03/10/02 - Hail! It has been some time since I have updated this page, and the only part I'm updating is the news section. It will have to do for now.

I had the opening for my art show on friday, march 8th. It was a lot of fun. I harassed everybody that walked into the cafe and made them adore my artwork and sign my guestbook, *hehe.* I sold one painting so far. 35 bucks! Wahoooo! Its the first time I ever sold my artwork before, so I must say, its a really good feeling that theres at least ONE person who thinks something I made is worth something. My goal is to sell enough things so I can purchase a mat cutter and some huge ass mat boards. It'd be a better way to display and sell my work and make it look more presentable. Foamcore board just 'aint cuttin' it.

Yet another goal of mine is to make a bunch of 9"X10" drawings and sell 'em for 10 bucks each. Hopefully people will want to buy them. *sigh*

Now that all this work for the damn art show is over with, I can rest up, become not so sick, update my page, and catch up in all my art courses. Wow, I'm setting a lot of goals for myself. Well anyways, I'll be updating this page soon, i have three other bands to feature on the page, and probably four more after tonite, going to see agnostic front w/ Christie tonite.

Lastly,I fare thee all good health and wellness! And buy my artwork! Go to the cyber cafe and check it out!!