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Christie is crazy.

This is Christie and Erica eating chinese food before going to northern lights.

This is me, Erica, and Christie at northern lights, in the bathroom. Yeah, don't ask.

This is Erica and I being odd and having fun while doing it at Northern Lights. That was a crazy night. Also, I used this red eye fixer thing on it, and it didn't come out too good.

Oh my gosh, its steve. Wow.

This would be Dereck.

This is Toni's boyfriend Mark.

This is Toni.

This is Stover and Dereck being homosexual. *awwwwwwwwww* How sweet. =P

This is a birds eye shot of Dereck.

Steve is stuck in between the soda machines. Poor Steve.

Steve is relaxing.

This is the coolest picture of Toni. *hehe*

There are two steves, and here they are. In order from left to right, its Steve T. and Steve K.

This is Shayna and her friend from the play Amanda. Shayna got the lead in the fmcc play, "Alice in Wonderland."

This is me, taking a picture of myself.

I look kind of freaky and scary here.

This is Jess, a.k.a. Pinko. This is how she ALWAYS looks when you see her sitting in the pit. And she's ALWAYS sitting in the pit.

This is the only normal picture of Justin known to man. Notice he's facing AWAY from the camera. =P

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