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This is a 30"X24" acyrlic painting. I did it for paintingI my first semester at fmcc. It was my very first canvus painting ever. Its called "Peacful Shelter."
This one is about 14"X17". Its tempra paint on construction paper with an ink wash over it. I did it my junior year in highschool.
This one is a 16"X20" oil painting on canvus. Its the first and only oil painting I ever did. I think "Colorful Bird" is an appropriate name for it.
This is a 30"X24" acrylic painting on canvus. I did it my first semester at FMCC for my final painting. It didn't come out like i had wanted it to. I call it "Sunset".
This is a 16"X20" acrylic painting on canvus. Its taken directly from a still life, it looks much better in person, it didn't picture very well. I call it "Tranquil Violin".
This one I havent named yet. I did it for design class last year, its acyrlic paint on 12"x9" paper. I need some ideas on naming it, I'm horrible with words and naming things.