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Friends's Work

Here is some stuff by Rich. He's a great guy and has a quite unique writing style.

Desicacated Corpse Lying Solemn on the Ground
Desiccated corpse lying solemn on the ground,
Tattered and torn defiled by bruises and cut’s,
A product of anger lying in a shallow grave,
The gray chipped stone eroded from the years,
Marks where her body shall lie for eternity,
Poor child never knew what love meant,
The years of her life were short and empty,
Raised a poor mans daughter and easily forgotten,
Thrown away and discarded like a piece of trash,
Millions of deaths a year but a murder makes history,
And history is never forgotten but never remembered.

Black and White spinning in oblivion,
A swirling mass of time and matter,
Taking no shape or form but existing,
Molding each other into life,
Past Present and Future,
Creating a cycle of torment and pain,
Extending beyond our level of knowledge,
Reaching the outer world’s comprehension,
A state of bliss and harmony that is shattered,
By character flaws and emotions,
Chaos starts inside ones self,
Creeping slowly in the outer being,
Reaching a boiling point wear souls set on fire,
And mankind is nothing more than a beast.

A Devine amount of sin fills my veins,
Pulsating through my brain the cells change,
The dust lets loose setting me free,

Lost in the Oblivion of My Emotions
Lost in the oblivion of my emotions,
Unknowing of what pain was to come,
I never though it would end,
Now I stand her a man wonder,
Did the child inside me die?
All I know now is sorrow,
I can’t control these thoughts,
Limelight fades,
Only to show me the truth,
Violence and malice will fix,
Everything or so I thought,
Yet, now I feel empty,
Off set and unhinged,
Uh oh where did the time go Bye.