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So you want to be hosted? well read what you get, the rules and if you think you've got what it takes than apply!

Here's what you will get:

25 megs of space - I only have a small amount at the moment but if I buy some more I might offer my hostees some more, if they require it :)

A domain (it's technically a subdomain but comes out like that lol)

I can set you up with a email but the incoming mail server url I have is wrong so until than emails are not avaliable, sorry.

An awesome friendly, helpful host (namely me hehe) and a great family!

Help with you're site if needed (like html, css or anything else only if I can help you though)

Here's what you won't get:

The ability to change you're password - I use cpanel so the ONLY way for you to change you're pword is by asking me to! (I will not log into you're account or anything so dont be worried about that (unless of course you have something in there that you shouldnt have..)

24/7 help - yes I will help you if I can but please remeember - I have a life too.

A third chance! If I've given you two 'warnings' about something and you still do not listen/contact me about it than you will be deleted without warning (I gave you two chances to contact me and you ignored itso it's you're own fault!)

I will not send you an email if I do not accept you, I hate rejecting people. If you do not hear from me within 2 weeks it means you just arent what I'm looking does not mean you're site aint great, just doesnt interest me thats all :)

Like what you've read so far? than head on over to the Rules and read them than apply to be hosted!
