Jamie's Bio

Name: Mazel Esther Abijah

AKA: Jaime and J

Birthdate: 4/12/85

Age: 17

P.O.B.: Bethlehem, Israel

Species: Kamimortal

Occupation: Writer and Student

Hair: Brown

Eyes: Violet

Height: 5'8"

Love Status: Dating

Likes: Anime, Sneaker Pimps, Gorillaz, Drew Carey, her boyfriend, manga, internet, the beach, Israel, Japan, slumber parties, English, music, and Judaism

Outfit: White t-shirt, dark blue jeans, blue canvas sneakers with white shoelaces, gold hoop earrings, a silver star of David chain necklace, and red ribbons in her braids

Animal Chibi: Sheep

   Jamie is the only Jewish girl on the Tokyo-Zion staff. She is hyper and a good soul. Jamie lived with her mom and two older brothers. Descendant of Helen. When she was two, Jamie swallowed a piece of Helen's heart in a lotus. She lost consciousness in the desert where she was. The late maiden's soul took care of the little girl for 80 days. Jamie moved to Japan for a better life. First thing to do? Get a job! That's when she found Noiz and co. She came to the academy has been there ever since. Jamie is close to her boyfriend and staff girls.

Kurt's Bio

Name: Kurtis Sebastian Davidson

AKA: Kurt

Birthdate: 8/12/85

Age: 17

P.O.B.: Charlotte, North Carolina

    Kurt is Jamie's boyfriend. He hates staying in one place for too long. Kurt convinced Jamie to travel around Japan with him. She didn't want to at first. But in time, she grew to like it. Kurt lived with his mom and grandpa. His mom dotes on Jamie all of the time. Kurt and his grandpa do not get along too well. The boy has a car named Talon.