The Long Trip

{x} Israel + North Carolina
{x} Offerings
{x} 1 Timothy
{x} Timeline
{x} Praises
{x} Ask Israel
{x} Back


{x} Pikanu Designs
{x} Aethereality
{x} Hybrid-Genesis
{x} Rad Muffin

The Road

Let. see. I was going to say something. But was it? Hmm.... Oh, now I remember! Hello everyone. Welcome to The Road! =) This is Kurt + Jamie's shrine. Enjoy. XD



12/17/19: I fixed the shrine and added new pages.

10/9/06: I have added even more music and fixed a link.

8/31/06: I have added the NC offerings and fixed Kurt's bio.

8/30/06: I have added the offerings.

8/24/06: I have added more music.

8/19/06: I have added music.

8/5/06: I have fixed the back link.

5/27/06: I have added the bios. =)