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Gallery 1 - First Attempts
Gallery 2 - Creating Art
Gallery 3 - New Frontiers
Make Your Own Fractals
World of Fractals


There is a surprisingly large comunity of fractal websites dealing with everything from it's artistic applications to it's mathematical applications to chaos theory, etc. This page should give you a taste of some of the best fractal websites out there, with an emphasis on the artistic side.

  • World of Fractals is a complete website dealing with many aspects of fractals, and is perfect for the novice fractal artist. A great overall site layout.
  • The Infinite Fractal Loop is a great place to browse through many fractal websites. It is a popular fractal webring, and will allow you to see some of the best in fractal art.
  • Cheshire Cat Fractals has, in my opinion, the best fractals available on the internet. The new "glossy" effect used in these fractals make beautiful images, and I'm always excited when a new gallery is published.

All images Copyright Adam Lerer © 2000-2001

All Rights Reserved