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lady rosy a.k.a watie shuib rendezvous et requiescence

Title : 2layers

My favorite. Done in April 2004. I will have more collections on this kind of abstractisme in future. I love this looks-soo-simple-yet-valuable style. Reflects my aspiration, desire and needs, love and lust, which cannot be expressed and sometimes so ambiguous...       


Title : Sea of Turmoil

Does it looks like one of the Van Gogh's masterpiece? Tried to be miss modern vangogh. His  


Title : Cili's

This is not really the result i want. But anyhow, it is closed to the original painting by Sallehudin, an artist i didnt know, which has been displayed recently at Jaya Jusco, Mid Valley. 


Title : Still life 1

The first and most valuable one. Painted in March 2003. It took me 2 nights equaled to 8 hours to complete. Still need improvement especially on the lighting. 65% closed to the original painting in the Acrylic Technique book bought at   MPH, Bangsar.


Title : Sea of turmoil

Replicated from the same book as Still Life 1.Painted in the end of March 2003, immediately after SL1. Unsatisfied production caused by impatience and eagerness to see the result. Understand more on acrylic and washing technique.



Title : Still life bottles 

Second still life collection and the third painting. 60% closed to the original printed from the website. Done in 3-4 hours with full concentration on Sunday April 6th 2003. Need to touch up the background because it looks hanging without border....advice from an artist friend.




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