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lady rosy a.k.a watie shuib rendezvous et requiescence


friday, 10 september 2004, 7.05pm

i am aware that all women are exposed with many kinds of gynecological illness. some of its is soo critical and demand for  



thursday, 29 july 2004, 5.15pm

read my new sajak..Kota Mumbai.. i went there for a 'Shadow Program' by Frost & Sullivan in October 2003. and it's remind me on a movie in 1980's with title 'City of Joy'.   


friday, 23 july 2004, 6.15pm

it's a salary payday. wachaa... and i have submitted my paper for BoD. thought i can have my own sweet time today but unfortunately, got something urgent to finish..... arghh.. uploaded new sajak..Satu Apresiasi buat sebuah dunia yang penuh ilham dan warna


thursday, july 1 2004, 6.15 pm

today, my surviving company has witnessed a major change in the management structure. with the new generation of ceo and his clique... hope things will be much better than before. to be continued...  


friday, april 17 2004, 6.35 pm

everybody had gone back home.. but i'm still here. no hurry. have to bring back a lot of works, the usual monthly and quarterly reports for this surviving company. it needs to be ready by next week, otherwise i'll be dead. I hope I can complete at least half of the workloads. 


monday, april 12 2004

uploaded new artwork


khamis, april fool 2004, 1.50 tengahari

          Mimpi oh mimpi,

          asyik-asyik datang lagi

          terus cuba merasuk diri

          ganggu jiwa rosak hati

          enjoy hidup dalam fantasi


          Tapi yang pasti,

          aku akan terus berdiri

          di dalam dunia realiti

          walau penuh onak duri

          dan mimpi ngeri

          Kerana aku pasti

          ada sinar setia menanti

          untuk aku terus kecapi

          hidup di sini..   


          more sajak


jumaat, 26 mac 2004, 12.00 tengahari

sajak aku ingin menari dipentas dunia..


khamis, 25 mac, 2004 pagi

bacalah sajak ku..... Dia menang lagi?!!

terdapat juga sajak-sajak pemuisi agung yang dilagukan oleh Kopratasa 


wednesday, 17 march, 2004

still unable to view the visitor's comment.  the linkage between form results and guestbook file is correct but  somehow, no results shown. need to validate the form. but no possible viewer, yet to allow others to view this homepage except 2 colleagues.


tuesday, 16 march, 2004

update the homepage's layout. current view-noble poet, artwork, photo gallery. unable to view the guestbook.  


monday, 15 march 2004

Flipping through stacks of newspapers since last Sunday. What else should i read? Newpapers are stuffed with the political issues and faces of future leaders, and impostors as well. Won't end until 21 March. Another history awaits, either it is nasib or takdir. The 11th Malaysia's Election is just around the corner. Posters and banners with picture perfect smile and 'nampak-macam-bagus' candidates is everywhere. While driving and passing over the posters, i wish to search for look-like-charisma yet sincere and humble looking face. That's it. Still blur to judge peoples smile. But some says, don't judge books by it's cover. I think the bijak pandai need to re-word this 'pepatah'. More on election issue after this.. 


saturday, 13 march 2004

read my poem/rhyme/verse?  



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