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high_stepper.html</TABLE> <HEAD> <HTML> <HEAD><TITLE>draganddrop.html

Use the pencil to mark where you left off in the tutorial

High Stepper

This picture is truly one of my favourites and it took me 3 days to find the cartoonist in order to get permission to use her picture

Turns out she was very gracious to tell me to do what ever I liked with the picture

Upon which I sent her a copy and she replied her and her husband had a good laugh over what I had done

With that I am well rewarded...Her name is Dorthe Isabel Buch and she lives in Denmark

You will note when you open the graphic that I have left her name on the pic and also a watermark of the paper she draws for

Maybe just a little courtesy for the use of her picture

Thanks for the picture Dorthe

Written by ©Dorothy

Dec. 2003


Same old, same old, you are welcome to use, share and link back to my site

but please do not copy and paste this tut to another site and do not claim it as your own

All that said

Shall we dance?


You will find your tools


Open an image big enough for the graphic to jump and long enough so she can land at either end

I opened mine at 600x400 and resized it later

Click your text tool and type your name....bold checked and antalias checked....size 72.......I used fairytale font which I enclosed in the tools

You can add an inner bevel ..I just used round with the default settings

Open your 2 ladies in I have taken off the white background so they don't look too good

we will put it back on when we are you will need to resize both the 70%....image>resize and make sure"resize all layers" is unchecked now you will need to sharpen each one so go to effects sharpen...just once will do.......

On the layer palette duplicate your name twice as many times as there is letters in your name...or you can duplicate the name as you go along...whatever floats your boat...which ever way you decide make sure there is 1 name left over...we will need to duplicate that copy to bring her back...... I did it this way so we would not forget to duplicate the name each time we add the lady...not my favourite way but it works good because we are copy and pasteing ....close off all names except the bottom one and highlight it to make it the active layer

Click on h1 and edit> on the canvas and edit>paste as new layer....image> her next to the first letter of your name......layers>merge visible...

close off that layer and rename layer 1

Click on h2 and copy and paste her as new layer on your image....move her up a little from the letter...not too high though.....

open the second layer of your name and layers>merge.visible

close off that name layer 2.......... click on the next text layer to open and highlight it.....copy and paste h2 again and place her right on top of the first letter...

with your text layer the active layer and with your lasso tool, losso the first letter and hit none...layers>merge>visible..close off that layer and re name layer 3

Open the next text layer and click to highlight copy and paste your lady just above the next letter ...

layers>merge>visible..........close off that layer and re name it

Open the next text layer and click to highlight it...copy and paste the lady and this time we are going to mirror her...image> her on top of the next letter

and with the text layer active...lasso that letter and delete...layers>merge >visible....close off that layer and re name it..... Get the idea now how we go up and down and you must remember to mirror the lady on every other letter so it looks like she is whirling

Open the next text on the lady and copy...paste as new layer and place her just above the next letter... same as before....layers>merge..close off that layer and re name it

Open the next text layer...copy the lady...paste as new this one we won't mirror...just place her on the letter and makeing your text layer the active layer ..lasso the letter and this with each letter she lands o layers>merge....close off that layer and re name.....

Continue in this manner untill you reach the last will need to paste her one more time in flight...just after the last letter place her up a little the same way as we did before,

close off that layer and re for the h1 lady again....the one with the legs crossed...copy and paste her and just place her next to the last letter...

close off that layer and re name it

...Whew!!!!!!!!!! We got her that far now we have to bring her back...

On to page 2