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I do not know which to prefer, the beauty of inflections or the beauty of innuendoes, the blackbird whistling or just after. -Wallace Stevens

I welcome you to my den. Here is where I spend much of time, for rarely is it that I get out to socialize or have a bit of fun. It doesn't matter to me that I don't get out much, for I enjoy the simpler things in life. Family and friends mean more to me than anything else, so spending my time with them is far better than going out and letting trouble find me. Believe me, members of my family, and several of my friends, do a good enough job keeping me on my toes.

For those of you who wish to know who the IC(in character) Sabbath Silverclaw is, this is the place to find out. I am your typical black panthress in many ways, in that I am playful, fun loving, kind, generous, and am a good friend to have around, but woe to those who dare to make me mad. But, none of that here or now. Sabbath, for all her youthful looks, is around 100 years, this time around. That means, she has lived several lives, and can remember each and every one of them. She was born the youngest of five and the only one of her family to exhibit strong magic of any kind. She's a healer at heart. Seeing anyone in pain or suffering strikes a chord her and makes her do what she can to help.

Sabbath spent most of her life learning her magics while searching for those that destroyed her home. She ended her search when she met Felis Erret, a ferret unlike any other in that he was extremely moody, which Sabbath didn't seem to mind. She mourned the loss of Felis when she found out about his death, and for quite a while too, for it was nearly a year before she let herself meet and fall for Jass.

Enough about who I am ICly. Here in my den, you can find several places to go to learn more about me. Your way splits again in here, leading to different rooms to explore.

The first of the openings you see is the way to the garden where you began your journey. Its from this opening that you get the best view of my den. Rather big and quite spacious, this room is filled with chairs, benches, cushions and pillows of all kinds for visitors to sit and relax with me and my mate in front of the fire, which I do keep burning at all times, even during the summer.

A rather ornate opening leads you into the library where I keep most of my collective works as well as most of the art I have drawn or collected over the years. Some of the artwork I have isn't very good, but then, I'm still new to drawing furryart. I, like most artists, am my own worst critic. Those pictures of mine you see are those I consider the best of the best. Even those pictures I didn't draw, were chosen carefully for different elements that caught my attention.

Another doorway leads down a hall to where my guests stay when they visit for long periods. Down this hall, is where my few recreation rooms are found, most especially a natural hot pool which everyone seems to love swimming in for any number of reasons. Some, a little more obvious than others.

The final opening is a short hall leading to my private room. In there, you will find out about the human behind the fur. She's not a bad person, shy when she first meets new people, but she is a friend worth having. If it wasn't for her, I wouldn't be alive today.