Artwork by Mark Butervaugh

This is The Shaman, and it is in front of the first chapter for The
Myth of the Year which is "The Sequani Calendar and the Sacred Calendar of
Eleusis." The drawing is an interpretation of a Cernunnos-like god in a
Buddhic position on the Gundestrap Cauldron. The Shaman acts as a spiritual
guide through the year, and his constellation is Auriga, The Charioteer. Also see Chapter One for more information.
 | This is a depiction of The Hero in Greek and Celtic Iron Age
culture. It is in front of the second chapter for The Myth of the Year which
is "Light Through the Hero's Eyes." The constellation of Cassiopeia is in
the Milky Way in the background symbolizing the transference of power to the
hero from the mother goddess, the Matrona in Celtic mythology and Demeter,
in Greek mythology. The oak leaf and nut in the border symbolize the power
of the Druids as well as the season of the oak, the Fall. |
 | This beautiful piece depicts the Winter Solstice at Newgrange in Ireland. In
the sky are Orion and the stars of the winter sky. This picture is in front
of the third chapter of The Myth of the Year entitled "The Great Goddess of
the Winter Sky" because it depicts the constellations connected to the
winter goddesses, Brigit in Celtic mythology and Artemis in Greek mythology.
The border is holly, a seasonal and sacred plant. |
 | This picture is in front of the chapter "The Celestial Spring" in The
Myth of the Year. It is a depiction of the bull god and the crane goddess
of the spring with a morel as the sacred plant in the border. The bull god
and the dying gods of the spring are best represented in the triskele of
Esus, Taranis, and Teutates in Celtic mythology and Dionysus in Greek
mythology. They are the gods of sacrifice and resurrection at the Vernal
Equinox and their constellation is Bootes. |
 | Finally, and best of all, is the Great Mother Goddess herself for the fifth
chapter of The Myth of the Year entitled "Time-Keeper, Earth-Keeper,
Star-Keeper." In the picture, she is represented in the Summer Triangle
which is in the Milky Way, her river in the sky. As Mistress of the Waters:
Snake and Bird Goddess she protects and nourishes us with her summer bounty.
The border is blackberries to symbolize her abundance. |