The Sequani Calendar is a translation of an ancient Celtic calendar. The calendar was believed to have been hidden by the Druids of the ancient tribe of the Sequani. Archeologists called the calendar, the Coligny Calendar because it was discovered near the town of Coligny, France; however, we have given it a new title in honor of the people who wrote it and in dedication to their goddess, Sequana.
After many years of research in Celtic studies, astronomy, mythology, and art, we are offering the world a translation of the previously undeciphered text. Although researchers attempted to translate the text, they were unsuccessful because they did not combine the necessary disciplines such as astronomy and mythology to come up with the comprehensive view of the universe that we believe the Druids found necessary.
The Sequani Calendar offers a unique combination of ideology and art to give people back their ability to tell time by night. Unlike the solar calendar that we are now following, this calendar offers a daily account of the lunar and stellar activities that is easy to follow. It enhances that knowledge of the night sky with the myths of the stars.
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