"The Lady And The Knight" (2001)
Two different worlds, so far away from each other, not only
physical distance, but also different cultures and even different
times. And even so, two souls found a way to meet each other, not
nullifying the discrepancies, but blending and completing the voids
in each other's lives...
"Black Dragon" (2007)
When someone falls in love, all it can see is the
beloved one, suddenly the source of all happiness. I should
have watched my steps, maybe the "fall" wouldn't
have hurt so much... Oh, how much I needed to love again...
And this creature is all that was left, to remember me
what a fool I am...
"Panda at Valentine's" (2008)
She could be the one meant to me, I thought, but
Hope is an evil witch. I knew she was lost before I
finished this work, but no one can say I didn't try.
This was my last gift for a dream that lasted only
a few weeks... Valentine's is such a sad day...