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-[Other Head shots]-
More on performances: [here] [pictures (NARP)]
-[More ego stuff about franklin ace]- (certified decimal point inspector)
aka "Frank Leeding"
aka "Frank R.H. Leeding"
aka "Pizo Eccentric" (cartoon character)
aka "Drongo the Magnificent"
aka "The Artist T-2001"
aka " the poet 't' "
and of course: "jim" (most of my paintings are signed by that)
oh, and i think something like "joe" or
"sally" or
"toby" - in "one thing not known"
email: fleeding@hotmail.com
View of Self: Artist/Poet/Art Theorist/Philospher/tauist
Additional interests: Life, the Universe, and Everything.
Additional background/interests:
Computers, systems analysis/engineering, electronics, maths,
games/gaming theory, pronouns, botany, etc.
More Stuff
"When any idea is banned, no one is safe".
"Punctuation is the habitual refuge of the intelligencia".
"Maths was the first-formed substance of the universe,
all else came afterwards".
"One should (like good French) practice the 'King's English';
even if only as an intellectual enterprise. Of course should
all of the various dialects and accents of English disappear,
this would be a tragedgy beyond [at least my] imagination."
Favorite Quotes
"I seem to be a verb" (R. Buckminister fuller)
"If you take a dog and feed and educate him, will
not bite you. That is the principle difference
between a dog and a person" (Mark Twain - not an exact quote).
"From now on, ending a sentence with a
preposition is something up with which
I will not put". (Sir Winston Churchill)