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Frank's CV
Richard Traynham
aka "Frank Leeding"
" the poet 't' "
"THE" Richard T.
or just "Jim", (as well as "Joe"/"Sally"/"Toby" - or "that sound guy").
MA Arts and Tecnology, UT Dallas, Richardson, TX.
Major field: Performance, Visual Arts, and Narrative.
Studio Arts taken at Brookhaven College School of the Arts,
Farmers Branch, TX. These included traditional courses,
specialising in printmaking, painting, and drawing.
BS Computer Science, Univ. North Texas, Denton, TX.
Major studies in systems analysis, business applications,
and artificial intellegence.
Additional advanced coursework in physics, chemistry,
engineering, philosophy, history, etc.
Presentations & Shows
(major or most notable only)
IconoPlexity is Where you find it
Is that Jazz?, SouthSide at Lamar, Dallas, TX. Based
on "Is that Jazz?" written and conceived by David McCullough.
Part of a group project as part of UTD's Story Lab Project.
Directed by Dr. Thomas Riccio. Presented on Saturday, 2006.04.22
and Sunday, 2006.04.23.
There's Never a Reference Point, UT Dallas, Richardson, TX &
SouthSide at Lamar, Dallas, TX as part of UTD's Story Lab Project
and Dallas Urban Arts League. I played the part of "Pappi". Directed
and Produced by Dr. Thomas Riccio. Consisting of an interactive play,
a total of 13 performances were given spanning Thursday, 2006.02.16
thru Sunday, 2006.03.05. Web ref: -[ah.utdallas.edu]-
"Welding Courtyard" (ink on paper, 90"x40"). Drawing selected for
Spring, 2005 Brookhaven Student show. Juried by Phil Collins
(Currator of Dallas' Afro-American Museum of Art). Now in
the Brookhaven College Permanent Art Collection.
“Madonna de Metalica”, “Cathedral #2” (welded plate drawing;
oxy-acetylene cutting torch as “pen” on weld-cut on/thru
ferrrous metal) .
"JP has shown us the way; we must follow" (acrylic on stretched,
gessoed canvas, 48"x36"). Painting selected for Spring, 2005
Brookhaven Student show. Juried by Phil Collins. Now in private
"Thanks, Ed; Pollock Study #5"; 3-colour relief print on post-card
stock. Iowa State University yearly postcard participatory show, 2004.
Edition of 40; 13 submitted for show - now in various collections
as well as one print in the Iowa State University Print Society
Permanent Art Collection.
Additional work shown previously at Brookhaven, UT Dallas,
etc. Including prints, drawings, photographs, paintings,
installation works, etc.
In addition, many works are in private collections.
First place (with editor Ivana Corsalé) in the TIPA
(Texas Inter-Collegiate Press Association) awards for
"Best Series" for the Brookhaven Courier: "Brookhaven
- The First 25 Years".
Additional BackGround
Reporter for The Brookhaven Courier (2003-2005), covering
A&E events, people, and subjects. Also covered the Senior
Citizen's Centre and Special Learning Services.
Primary arts methods/areas. PrintMaking, Painting, Drawing,
Collage. Additional works in
3-dimensional drawing/collage, installation and performance,
as well as audio and visual presentations and experimIntal
theatre and art.
Contact Information
Frank may be reached via,
email: fleeding@hotmail.com
phone: 817.560.9971