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~Sadame Anthrope

~Sadame Anthrope

The Destroyer

"Rules are made to be followed. Promises are made to be kept."

"Mess with the best, die like the rest!"

Hair Color: purple

Favorite Color: purple

Gemstone: amethyst

Birthday: 11/18/97 (Sailor Scorpio's birthday [from my SM fanfic])

Zodiac sign: Scorpio

Symbol: sword

Personality: sadistic, vindictive, indignant, loyal, spiteful, judgmental, vengeful, thorough, organized, contemplative, bitter, cold, righteous.
Enneagram personality type: 8 (intimidator)
Myers-Briggs personality type: ENTJ or INTJ-A

Reason behind the name: Sadame is Japanese for destiny/fate and decision. Sometimes she is called "Sada" for short, which in Japanese means "chaste", in Arabic means "sugarless", and in Hindi means "always." Her name resembles "Satan" and the word "sadistic" which means taking pleasure in others' pain. I don't know if this is correct or not, but a Japanese name generator website informed me that "Sadako" means "righteous child." Also, Sadako is the name of the evil girl in the original Japanese version of "The Ring" movie. In any event, all of the meanings behind her name describe her well. "Anthrope" is her last name because if she is called "Miss Anthrope," it resembles "misanthrope," a word that means "hater of humanity."

Reason behind the brain: Selena (Nidarcs-Shama) > Sadame
I got in trouble for a lot of things when I was in elementary school. I learned how unfair life was when I saw many other kids doing bad things and going unpunished for what they did. It made me angry. (This kind of anger at things unjust is called indignance.) Kids told on me and got me in trouble, so I began to tell on them and get them in trouble. I enjoyed it. Sadame is the part of me that enjoys other people's suffering. She considers herself to be God; vengeance is hers to take, because if she doesn't, who else will make them pay? But she doesn't enjoy the suffering of innocent people, only those who deserve it. A good example of how I take revenge is the clicking (annoying/warning) I used to do. I never clicked anyone who was not first mean to me or my friends first. I'm retired from that now, only because the warn button died. A more recent example of how I take revenge is my defaming in the MMORPG, MapleStory. When someone insults me, defames me, follows me around and purposely kills all my monsters, or anything else to be mean to me for no reason, I mass defame them with my army of characters. When people mess with me, I pay them back big time. Tis a great joy of mine. >:-D I often get so happy from getting revenge that my happiness turns to hyperness. Muhahahaha!

Likes: order, revenge/justice, thinking up laws and other ways to change the world, making decisions (but takes a long time to make them)

Dislikes: anarchy/chaos, people doing bad deeds and getting away with it.

AIM screen names: evilinajustway, iamgoddamnit

Theme songs: "Extraordinary" by Liz Phair, "Sadeness" by Enigma, "Sadame" from X (instrumental anime song), "Aka to Kuro" from Noir, & the opening song from Elfen Lied (click the image for the translation):

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