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Leadership in Action - April, 2000 
Club Location Maps
Club Meeting/Day/Time/Location & Contact Maps were updated March 20, 2000, by Telephone Referral Chair Janette Gann, DTM,

Low resolution photographic copies (for online viewing) and high resolution PFD copies (for printing) can be accessed using the links below. Links are also provided to view the District 3 home page web site versions.

To download a PFD document you will need the free Adobe Acrobat Reader. If you do not have it, it can be downloaded by clicking on the Adobe icon below.

The maps were designed to be used by District 3 members and clubs as a membership building/marketing tool and have been produced on a regular basis for 12 consecutive years. 

Janette Gann accepted the "updating process" in conjunction with the telephone referral position in July, 1999. Prior to that, the maps were updated by the immediate past chairman, Doris Koressel, ATM, for the previous 5 years. The maps were created in 1987 by Glenn Pike, DTM.

The maps are mailed by Janette to prospective guests who request club information to help them select a club to join.

Club members have used the maps to build club membership and promote Toastmasters throughout Arizona in various ways including placement at community and business locations in their demographic area.

NOTE: If the information for your club, or a club with which you are familiar, needs to be changed, call or e-mail Janette.
Telephone: 602-254-3255  |  e-mail: 

Prepared by Glenn Pike, DTM - District 3 Public Relations Committee, Hal Key, DTM, PRO Chairman © 2000, District 3, Toastmasters International
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