d3tm e-news
Leadership in Action - April 1, 2000 
iBrief for azToastmasters

    An African tribe requires its public speakers to speak while standing on one foot. When the opposite foot touches the ground, time is up and the speaker has to sit down. Wonder if our Speech Contestants could do 5-7 minutes?

    Area Speech Contests ended Saturday with final presentations by Area S-2 and S-3 contestants. See the complete list of Winners and Alternates. The Paiute Division immediately began the Division series at 1PM. The winners? Elanna Donovan, Ocotillo, P-1, and alternate Harry Huffman, Park Central, P-2.

    A District 3 2000-2001 leadership nominations slate was presented at the March 25 Executive Committee meeting. Candidates can also be nominated from the floor during the conference business session. If you missed the meeting read more in the Minutes of the Executive meeting drafted by District Secretary DeeAnne Michael, DTM.

    Following the District Conference will be the Region III Conference in Galveston, Texas, in June and by the looks of the hotel pictures posted on their web site, as you can see, it isn't going to be held in a little beach bungalow.

    Let the celebrating begin: There will be a 10 year anniversary birthday for North West Casa Adobes Toastmasters in May. Judy Norris, ATM-G/CL, remembers it well.

    "Public Speaking Power" will be the theme of a presentation sponsored by Smile High Toastmasters featuring Susan Carter Jackson, MA; Executive Director of the Prescott Fine Arts Association, Monday, April 24, at 7:00pm. Free.

    Struggling club, Valued Voices, gains guests and four new members through enthusiasm and initiative, according to club president.

    The Spring Conference warm-up continues: Past announcements: Silent Auction Chair Tammy Matthews seeks assistance. Conference Registration form and agenda posted. Bring Your Banner Contest announced. Conference date: Saturday, May 20, 2000.

    It was table topic time for PDG Jodie Kay Petra, DTM, when interviewed by AZ Republic reporter Jamie Magruder for the article "Bullies in the Workplace" which appeared Wednesday, March 15.

    Was your last speech quotable? Every speaker has an opportunity to be notable by being "quotable. "In a speech by Richard Selzer, a doctor, he said: "A minor operation is one that is done on someone else." It has been repeated often, including here. One line in your next speech is all it takes for you to be quotable.

    District Governor Kelli McDoulett, DTM, assigns Twilite Toastmaster Rene Hicks task of updating District Policies for the district's home page.

    Which of these three options --- To provide honest evaluations; To attend club meetings whenever I can; To willingly prepare for and fulfill meeting assignments --- is not among those listed in The Toastmaster Promise?

    Deana Cruze is now an ATM-Silver! Connie Mendosa's an AL! Jack Locicero and Michael Whiting were awarded the ATM-Bronze. CL designations went to Barbara Zuczek, Michael Davis and Mark Starks. In all 18 CTMs, five ATM-Bronze, one ATM-Silver, five CLs, and one AL were awarded District 3 Toastmasters during March as of the 24th. See the names of all who registered an educational accomplishment in March.

    Toastmasters Leadership Institute Chair Nancy Starr, DTM, has issued a call to all Toastmasters who want to learn the art of facilitation. . . and much more. You'll learn the "more" when you read the benefits she lists.

    Past Int'l Director, past District Governor, Voice of Motorola member and Scottsdalians charter member Bill Crawford, DTM, was the subject of a cover feature in the March-April 1981 Roadrunner issue.

    April Deadlines: Semi-annual dues, Club Bulletin Contest, CTM Challenge, Beat the Clock, Top 5 Membership Campaigns. Help your Area Governor meet his or her CTM challenge - file all CTMs with TI by April 30.

    Download the Outstanding Toastmaster of the Year submission form here.

    New Club Meeting Location/Day/Time Maps have been updated by Telephone Referral Chair Janette Gann, DTM, with a focus on Community Clubs (Open). Click this link to see the new maps. New PDF versions are also now available for superior reproduction from your printer.

    In this issue: Why didn't Senator John McCain visit Paradise Valley Toastmasters? Steve Broe, DTM, reveals the answer in "Get Out of the Rut: Five Special Meetings." When its time to face the music --- do you rush and run -- or do you face the camera with poise?

    Notes from our readers: "Concise, factual and interesting. This is the way a newsletter should be." - Richard Moore, DTM, T-Bird Talks.

    "I print it and hand it out at our Toastmasters meeting." - Rose Ferguson, Noontime Toastmasters.

                - Glenn       |       Next issue: April 17

Y-2 and Y-3 Area
Speech Contest
Winners received
trophies handcrafted
by Duane
Above & Beyond.
According to
Area Y-2 Governor
Don Allen, ATM-B/CL,
Duane is well on
his way to
achieving an
PREVIOUS TOPICS: [ Use BACK button on these pages to return to April issue ] C&L Award Recipient Named | Speakers Bureau Application | Leadership | Mentoring | Evaluating | Members To Guests |

Prepared by Glenn Pike, DTM. District 3 Public Relations Committee, Hal Key, DTM, PRO Chairman © 2000, District 3, Toastmasters International <

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