A now famous speechmaker has been relating his past timidity before audiences by confessing that before he took a course in pubic speaking he couldn't even lead a group in silent prayer.
d3tm e-news
Leadership in Action - May 1, 2000 

iBrief for Az Toastmasters 
    This week, May 1-6, clubs will be looking for and electing their "Magnificent Seven," seven members who will enthuiastically grasp the leadership reigns of their club for the next six months.

    The last World Championship of Public Speaking Contest at the District 3 division level was held Saturday, April 29, by the Sonoran Division in Tucson at the VA Medical Center. Division Governor John Kretser, ATM-S, reported the winners as: Winner: Helen Economy, S-4. Alternate: Lee Wagner, S-2. They join the the other finalist  for the May 20 District Contest.

    Fun Alert: Come one, come all to an atmosphere of Fun, Prizes, Games, Food, Recognition, Networking, Music, Parades, the Best of the Best Speech Contest and much much more on May 20, 2000 at the Shrine Auditorium, 552 North 40th St. Phoenix, AZ.  The Early Bird Special is still available to all who register on or before May 10th.  Be early, mail your registration form to Dan Winscott this week. Click here for Frequently Asked Conference Questions.

    Are you "game?" That's the operative word for a Conference Educational Track Session led by PDG Nancy Starr, DTM, as attendees play "a form of jeopardy and win prizes" to test their knowledge and learn more about their next educational step. 

    A leadership  discussion/presentation will be facilicated by Past District Governor, Mike DiCerbo, DTM,  "My outline includes presenters for Leadership at the Club, Area, and Division levels, and the top three District offices," said Mike. "Our participants include, AG of C-4 Don Griffith, CTM,  District Seecretary DeeAnne Michael, ATM-B, PDG, PID, Dee Dees, DTM, and Gila DG Lucille Houston, ATM-G/CL.

    All "difficult Toastmasters" and those who think the Toastmasters they have to deal with are "difficult" can gather in the same room,  side-by-side, with International Director candidate Donna Labatt, DTM,  and discuss the "Difficult Toastmaster."

    Educational presentations by PDG, Art Nieto, DTM, PDG Geoff Wilson, DTM, Jean Lasee, and International Director John Smelser, DTM, are also scheduled.

    Who is Joel Weldon? If you are new to Toastmasters, the background of the Keynote Speaker at the Spring Conference may not be familiar to you. Joel was a Tempe Toastmaster and an Area Governor during the 70's who has become one of the nation's leading corporate trainers. Read about Joel at his website.

    With your help - District 3 is on its way to being a Distinguished District. DG Kelli McDoulett,DTM, outlines what it will take to make it a reality by June 30.

    What has District 3's humorous speech contest winner Carolan Quenneville been up to lately?

    "I've been doing a 'top ten' list for Arizona Bridge to Independent Living's newsletter,"
    states Gilbert Toastmaster and humorist Carolan Quennville. Here is a recent sample of her humor:
            Top Ten Signs of Spring in Arizona
    10. The population declines in direct proportion to increases in the north and midwest.
    9. A decline in requests for 10% discounts.
    8. April showers? What showers?
    7. ah-Ah-aah-aaaH-aAHHH-CHOO! *snif* ...alergicus attackus
    6. Getting cold water from the tap begins to be a 'pipe' dream.
    5. Stores put up Thanksgiving displays.
    4. You begin the loan process in order to pay for gasoline.
    3. You begin the loan process in order to pay your electric bill.
    2. Your car doubles as a solar oven.
    1. Millionaires with big sticks, pitch, hit, spit and scratch a lot.

    Join the "Picnic in the Park," an open house/member celebration hosted by Estrella Toastmasters on May 2nd from 5:00 to 7:30 p.m. at the North Lake at Estrella Mountain Ranch. "If you and your friend/family wish to attend, please RSVP," said June Van Valkenburg, "so we'll know how many hot dogs to roast! Bring a dish to share if you wish and use this opportunity to acquaint prospective members with the Toastmasters experience and/or to see old Toastmaster friends." RSVP to June Van Valkenburg (623) 386-0106 or Gwynn & Scott Henline (623) 877-2453.

    Check out April's list of Educational Achievers. You'll find the names of Toastmasters you know who you can congratulate by note or in person, including ATM-Bronze recipients Julie Stevens, Sam Kelsall, Anne Johnson, and ATM-Silver recipient William Price.

    Want to learn the art of facilitation . . and much more? Check out the benefits of being a TLI facilitator.

    The end of a long project is in sight for Dwayne Roberts, ATM-S. Two years ago he accepted the task of compling a District Operations Manual. The manual is now available for review by District 3 Toastmasters as a PDF download from the District home page at: District 3 Operations Manual.

    From our readers: "The electronic news letter is awesome! My congratulations to all who have a hand in it." Dwane Legg, Talk of the Tower, club #9145.

    There are three things to aim at in public speaking: first, to get into your subject, then to get your subject into yourself, and lastly, to get your subject into the hearts of your audience. - Bishop Gregg

    - Glenn | Next issue: May 15, 2000

The Spring Conference will be held at the Shrine Auditorium, 552 N 40th St., Phoenix, Sat., May 20.

The Shriners Hospitals' mission is to provide the highest quality care to children with neuromusculoskeletal conditions, burn injuries and certain other special healthcare needs within a compassionate, family-centered and collaborative care environment. This mission is carried out without cost to the patient or family and without regard to race, color, creed or sex.

Biographical sketches of candidates nominated for District Office:

District Governor P.J.Glauz, DTM

Lt. Governor of Education and Training,
Virginia Richtar, ATM-S
Lt. Governor Marketing,
Mike Herskovits, DTM

Don Griffith, ATM
Joseph Snyder, ATM
Richard Chard, CTM
George Self, ATM-S/CL
Ellis Rackoff, ATM-S/CL.

Prepared by Glenn Pike, DTM. District 3 Public Relations Committee, Hal Key, DTM, PRO Chairman. © 2000, District 3, Toastmasters International

Internet/Newsletter advisory group: Steve Broe, DTM, Richard Moore, ATM-S/CL, George Self, ATM-G/CL

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