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Toastmasters Leadership Institute

TLI Course Catalog 
Core Courses

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Number  - Course Title and Description - Semester Offered

1001 Basic Leadership: President   Summer/Winter

Designed to assist first time club presidents learn how to encourage active recruiting, develop a successful club plan, conduct executive committee meetings and understand the Distinguished Club Program.

1002 Basic Leadership: VP Education   Summer/Winter

The responsibility of the VP Ed is to insure accomplishment of the club's mission statement. Learn how to create a positive growth environment for members with dynamic meetings full of learning opportunities.

1003  Basic Leadership: VP Membership  Summer/Winter

Members are the backbone of every Toastmasters program. Learn how to build membership and assure a strong membership through satisfying the needs of all club members.

1004 Basic Leadership: VP Public Relations  Summer/Winter

Club expansion is achieved through an active membership campaign. Learn to coordinate an active public relations and publicity program for your club through focusing on membership, benefits, and recognition.

1005 Basic Leadership: Secretary  Summer/Winter

The club secretary is a critical office. She/He serves as the pipeline between the club and Toastmasters International World Headquarters. Maintaining the club's membership records, recording activities and business decisions is just the beginning.

1O06 Basic Leadership: Treasurer  Summer/Winter

The Treasurer keeps all financial records of Club business, including dues received and paid to World Headquarters. Learn to set goals, develop strategies and prepare the club's annual budget.

1007 Basic Leadership: Sergeant At Arms  Summer/Winter

The duty of the Sergeant at Arms is to maintain club property, arrange the meeting room, welcome all members, and welcome each and every guest.

1008  Membership Roundtable  Summer/Winter

If you've ever heard the expression "Dynamic Data Exchange" - now is the time to experience the human version firsthand. Get together with other Membership VPs to share ideas, solutions and programs.

1009 New Member Orientation  Summer/Winter

It's more than just writing speeches, leading table topics, or being a functionary. Come discover the many opportunities Toastmasters has to offer and realize the unlimited potential.

1010 New Officer Roundtable  Summer/Winter

Share and solidify your new knowledge with your colleagues. Discuss the opportunities presented to first time club officers, brainstorm ideas and strategies that will chart a successful course for your club.

1011 Veteran Officer Roundtable

Just when you think you've heard it all, you'll discover you haven't. Discuss the latest developments in Toastmasters anr]  with other veteran officers. 

1012 Contest Workshop/Chief Judges Training  Summer/Winter

Speech contests are a Toastmaster tradition and there are many considerations to putting together a great one! This course will review the ins and outs of planning a successful club speech contest or serving as Chief Judge. 

1013 Judges Training Summer/Winter

Ever wonder what judges are looking for in a winning speaker? What elements they consider
necessary to take home the trophy? Learn the skills needed to effectively judge speech
contests (or just learn to create better speeches!) 

TLI  Course Catalog...Elective Courses 

2001 Goal Setting   Summer 

Setting and achieving goals can help you accomplish more than you thought possible. Take 
the mystery out of personal and professional goal setting by getting started and staying on 
track for success. 

2002 Governance: Parliamentary, Constitution & Bylaws  Summer

Did you ever wonder how to hold a Club election, or conduct an executive meeting? Parliamentary procedures and Club Constitutions/Bylaws provide the answers you're looking for.

2003 Effective Listening  Summer

Do you know how to actively listen? One of the key factors to successful communication is
knowing how to be a successful listener. This session teaches you how to become a effective

2004 Building a Successful Team  Summer

Regular Executive Committee meetings contribute to a club's success by providing the
opportunity to plan and review progress. Committee meetings keep the club on track helping
members achieve their goals. Learn various techniques to build and sustain a positive,
unified and enthusiastic management team.

2005 Art of Delegation Summer

One person can't run the whole club anymore than one person can be an expert in everything. The session will teach you how to share the load by effectively delegating and collaborating with other members.

2006 Advanced Media Writing Summer

Promotions, publicity, public relations - what are they and how can a club put together a successful public relations campaign? This session will present techniques everyone can use to get your club's news into print or on the air.

2007 Web Your Club Summer

There's a wealth of publishing tools out there, but which one will work best for you? This
session covers the do's and don'ts of web publishing as well as how to put your club site on
the World Wide Web. 

2008 Mentoring Summer/Winter

We all talk about the need to mentor new members. This session will teach you how to start
and continue a strong mentoring program for your club. 

2009 Program Brainstorming Summer

On the whole, we retain only 10% of what we hear. Through interactive learning, the retention
percentage increases sharply. Come and "brainstorm" ideas for Table Topics, Meeting
Programs, and other Toastmaster roles. 

2010 Success Leadership/Successful Club Series Summer

Want to enhance your club's achievement record? Hear more about the tv
Toastmasters International wants you to be sure and share with your club. 

2011 Conflict Resolution Winter

How do you deal with conflict in a group? Learn the causes of conflict and the strategies to
diffuse it. 

2012 Effective Meeting Summer

 From programming, agendas, and participant/offficer responsibilities - this session
 information you need to conduct dynamic, exciting, effective club meetings. 

2013 Toastmaster Educational System Summer

Significant changes were recently made to the Toastmaster Educational System. How have these changes affected your goals? What does this mean to new members? Walk through the new education track and see the program's new opportunities. 

2014 Motivating Achievement Summer

We sometimes forget that Toastmasters is a volunteer organization and members are not
employees that can be tasked with assignments. Whether it's at work or in the club, these
basic principles for motivating club members to achieve more personal - and club - goals can
always come in handy. 

2016 Maintaining Strong Club Summer

More than anything else, it's top priority to ensure that every Club maintains a healthy membership. A club's success depends on enthusiastic members who are eager to participate. Learn how to build and maintain a strong club.

2016 Attracting New Member Summer

Club membership got you down? New members mean better meeting programs, new ideas, a larger pool of potential leaders, more fun and more funds for your club. Here are the tips and tricks for attracting new members to your club.

2017 Charting a Course for Club Success Winter

Just as ships must chart a course to reach their destination - as officers, you set the tone and direction for your club. As leaders, you will want to use these basic steps to build a specific plan for your club's success. 

 2018 Turning Guests Into Members

Guests join clubs when they feel the positive energy, sense the supportive atmosphere believe their time was well spent. Does this describe the way your guests felt when they your meeting? If not, come find out how to insure that they will.

 2019 Problem Solving - The Process of Solving Problems Winter

Discover how to get to the real problem rather than the symptoms. 

 2020 Interpersonal Communications Winter

Conversing with ease, successfully negotiating that deal, coaching the best out c asserting yourself effectively, diffusing the constant complainer or learning to acknowledge your flaws in order to correct them - these are all examples of interpersonal communication skills that contribute to effective communication.

 2021 Creative Leadership Summer/Winter

Creativity is a learned skill. The ability to produce, combine, and change ideas as well as making new and unusual connections is a skill everyone has. This course will help you learn how to expand your horizons and lead creatively.

 2022 Distinguished Club Program Summer

Learn about the Distinguished Club Plan and what the 'critical factors for success' can do for your club. Get ideas on how to put the plan into action. 

 2023 Record Management Summer/Winter

As with every organization, there are always records that must be kept to track club activities, events and transactions. Don't let 'keeping the books' become overwhelming. Here, you will learn techniques for keeping club records in good shape. 

 2024 Bulletins & Newsletters Summer/Winter

Calling all desktop publishers! Learn the fundamentals of effective graphic design that will help you get your printed messages the attention they deserve! 

 2025 Building New Clubs Winter

Learn to prospect for, recruit, and charter a new club in a community or corporation. 

 2026 Group Dynamics Winter

Ever wonder what's going on in a group? Learn how groups work, how to put effective groups together, how to manage personalities and how to get personal needs met. 

 2027 Moments of Truth Summer/Winter

What is a "Moment of Truth" - It's where the rubber meets the road and it occurs every time there is interaction between club members or between members and guests.

Toastmasters Leadership Institute, Course Catalog
Volume 1, Number 1 - Published 6/23/98
For copies of this catalog, Contact:
Trish Blackwelder, TLI Curriculum
Fax: 602-945-1044 or E-mail:

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