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Toastmasters Leadership Institute

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Another Successful 
Toastmasters Leadership Institute
Judy Norris, ATM-S

The winter session of Toastmasters Leadership Institute (TLI) was held on Saturday, January 9, 1999. Once again Toastmaster Club officers and others gathered at Chandler-Gilbert Community College to receive training for club offices and to develop leadership skills. The morning was spent in a General Session to kick off the day, and was followed by two sessions focused on specific office duties. After a lunch of mini-heroes, salad and exquisite brownies, the two afternoon sessions focused on particular leadership skills such as: goal setting, problem solving, interpersonal communication, to name a few.

The Institute was attended by 280 Toastmasters from around Arizona. A new club from Harrah’s that was not yet officially chartered sent 5 of their officers. The day was lively, fast paced, informative and fun. Everyone seemed to leave feeling that it was a Saturday well-spent. 

One club president from Tucson said: "I was afraid I would travel all that way and waste a Saturday. I was pleased that it was fast paced and intense--not a moment was lost." Another officer said that she had almost not come because of car trouble, and was very glad she had been able to make it.

The TLI Committee, a group of committed Toastmasters, is already at work planning the next Summer Session scheduled for June 19, 1999. 

District 3 has implemented the Toastmasters Leadership Institute as the primary educational source of leadership training for all Club members within the District. In addition to training for Club Officers, the Institute offers exciting training programs that provide a full array of workshops aimed at improving individual and team perfromance in a variety of personal and professional situations. Since the Toastmasters Leadership Institute has to be financially self-supporting, a small fee to cover expenses is charged to all participants.

Toastmasters Leadership Institute provides:

Quality education for Toastmasters throughout District 3. 

District-approved Club Officer training. 

Requirements for fulfilling the Competent Leader. 

District-authorized resources for speech contests. 

Electives for all aspects of leadership. 

Sessions facilitated by specially trained Toastmasters. 

Interaction, break-out groups, case studies, round tables, experience sharing, networking, and FUN! 

Leadership training in two all-day sessions per year. 

Toastmasters Leadership Institute (TLI) is sponsored by District 3 Toastmasters. It is the District-authorized source for training club officers, speech contest judges, and interested members. 

TLI offers a range of classes that are designed to help build leadership skills. Skills which can be used in Toastmasters and in other areas of business and personal life. 

Pre-registration is encouraged. Class space will be limited, and filled on a first-come basis. 

Registration materials are available from Club officers, Area and Divsion Governors, and the TLI committee. 

1999-2000 Toastmasters Leadership Institute Committee
Nancy Starr, DTM, Institute Chair
Trish Blackwelder  • Colleen Humpal 
Virginia Richtar  • Nancy Starr • George Self
Kelli McDoulett • Steve Broe 
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Toastmasters International Emblem, Name, Service Marks
Trademark and Copyright Protection
September 8, 1998
Glenn Pike, DTM
Cover Course Suggestions | Courses Offered  |  Facilitators