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Daily Dharma

The Dhammapada,trans. by Juan Mascaro

1. What we are today comes from our thoughts of yesterday, and our present thoughts build our life of tomorrow: our life is the creation of our mind.

If a man speaks or acts with an impure mind, suffering follows him as the wheel of the cart follows the beast that draws the cart.

2. What we are today comes from our thoughts of yesterday, and our present thoughts build our life of tomorrow: our life is the creation of our mind.

If a man speaks or acts with a pure mind, pure joy follows him as his own shadow.

Light and Love to mankind everywhere.....
Be a LightBearer Shine Your Light

Buddah Bless You!!!!Buddah Bless You!!!! "Hello" How are you? Sit back and relax, I'm glad you are here... Welcome to my home page!!... Time is too slow for those who wait, too swift for those who fear, too long for those who grieve, too short for those who rejoice, but for those who love, time is eternity.

Dream's Planet Inspirations: You


Never be content with someone else's definition of You. Instead, define yourself by your own beliefs, your own truths, your own understanding of who you are and how you came to be. And never be content until you are happy with the unique person you are! You never find yourself until you face the truth. The physical world will always be a reflection. The inner world will always be a reality. The world never puts a price on you higher than the one you put on yourself. " Life.....when you think about it, you realize it's just a game. You may have to fight a battle more than once to win it. You either lose and you're nothing Or you win and you're surrounded in fame. It's sad, but true the way the game is played, With each new horizon the odds of winning slowly fade. Each day seems like a never ending battle, Without anyone on your side, but don't give up, God will always be there for the ride.He created you in a perfect image, No matter what you may believe. Look into the mirror, you're beautiful, To yourself don't deceive. Just remember when life starts treating you bad, That God is looking out for you. Wipe your eyes and don't be sad. Things can only get better, so hold your head high, You're going somewhere, spread your wings and fly!"


First, you must recognize what attachment is, and then you let go. That's when you realize non-attachment. However, if you're coming from the view that you shouldn't be attached, then that's still not it. The point is not to take a position against attachment, as if there were a commandment against it; the point is to observe. We ask the questions, "What is attachment?" "Does being attached to things bring happiness or suffering?" Then we begin to have insight. We begin to see what attachment is, and then we can let go. If you're coming from a high-minded position in which you think you shouldn't be attached to anything, then you come up with ideas like, "Well, I can't be a Buddhist because I love my wife, because I'm attached to my wife. I love her, and I just can't let her go. I can't send her away." Those kinds of thoughts come from the view that you shouldn't be attached. The recognition of attachment doesn't mean that you get rid of your wife. It means you free yourself from wrong views about yourself and your wife. Then you find that there's love there, but it's not attached. It's not distorting, clinging, and grasping. The empty mind is quite capable of caring about others and loving in the pure sense of love. But any attachment will always distort that. If you love someone and then start grasping, things get complicated; then, what you love causes you pain. For example, you love your children, but if you become attached to them, then you don't really love them anymore because you're not with them as they are. You have all kinds of ideas about what they should be and what you want them to be. You want them to obey you, and you want them to be good, and you want them to pass their exams. With this attitude, you're not really loving them, because if they don't fulfill your wishes, you feel angry and frustrated and averse to them. So attachment to children prevents us from loving them. But as we let go of attachment, we find that our natural way of relating is to love. We find that we are able to allow our children to be as they are, rather than having fixed ideas of what we want them to be. When I talk to parents, they say how much suffering there is in having children, because there's a lot of wanting. When we're wanting them to be a certain way and not wanting them to be another way, we create this anguish and suffering in our minds. But the more we let go of that, the more we discover an amazing ability to be sensitive to, and aware of, children as they are. Then, of course, that openness allows them to respond rather than just react to our attachment. You know, a lot of children are just reacting to our saying, "I want you to be like this. The empty mind-the pure mind-is not a blank where you're not feeling or caring about anything. It's an effulgence of the mind. It's a brightness that is truly sensitive and accepting. It's an ability to accept life as it is. When we accept life as it is, we can respond appropriately to the way we're experiencing it, rather than just reacting out of fear and aversion. Excerpted from 'The Mind and the Way'


Success on any major scale requires you to accept responsibility. The one quality that all successful people have is their ability to take on responsibility. You must choose the thoughts and actions that will lead you on to success. Nothing will happen by itself. It can all come your way, once you understand that you have to make it come your way, by your own exertions. Remember well that nothing can bring you success but yourself. Find your pathway to success and begin your journey. Your life will be what you make of it. The golden opportunity you are seeking lies within you. It is not in your environment; it is not in luck or chance, or the help of others; it is in yourself alone. Opportunity is all around you. And if the door of opportunity is closed, you must keep on knocking on it, and keep on knocking on it until it opens. You'll develop your opportunity by applying persistence to your possibilities. Success won't come to you, you must go to it. Be an opener of doors.

Jesus replied: "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' All the Law and the prophets hang on these two commandments."

Tearing Down The Walls

  My brothers and sisters in Christ, if we would just try harder to live this commandment, the world would be a different place. Of course, this is easier said than done, isn't it?

    But just imagine what would happen if every Christian who went to church this Sunday would do one nice thing for someone who was less fortunate than they are. My, how the world would change in just that one day.

    Now consider what would happen if this happened every Sunday for 52 Sundays a year. What kind of impact would that have on the world? I'm sure none of us can imagine the joy and love it would bring to our communities, let alone the world.

    Then if you want to really stretch your imagination -- imagine if this applied to all the nations of the earth. Would there be peace? Well, that's really hard to say, but it would be harder for nations to go to war if they were talking and doing nice things for each other. Wouldn't it

    I'm sure you are laughing to yourself and saying this could never happen. Well, if you believe that, then it's true. But if you have the faith in Jesus Christ that Bartameus had, then you would be healed of your blindness just as he was and you'd have the courage to at least give it a try. 

    Perhaps all of us could use a little more faith in God. What do you think?

    I know I could, but I'm not going to get it sitting at home on Sunday. I'm going to get it by attending and participating in the Church or Community of Faith of my choice. Why don't you join me spiritually and attend the church of your choice this Sunday. I'm sure you'll find the Word of God there and, if you don't, then don't go back to that church. Next week, try another church until you find the message that is preached from the Bible -- the message that opens your heart, mind and soul so that you receive an understanding of God's Word. It will bring a new light and a new life into your very being.

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  • Every morning in Africa, When the Sun rises, A horse awakens, Knowing,
    it has to outrun the fastest tiger, or, be hunted to death....

    Every morning in Africa, When the Sun rises, A Tiger awakens, Knowing,
    it has to outrun the slowest horse, or, be starved to death....

    It does not matter whether you are a horse or tiger, When the Sun rises,
    Better be running at your best in middle of difficulties, lies opportunities *Albert Einstein*

    Dream's Planet Inspirations: Think, Believe, Dream, and Dare

    Think, Believe, Dream, and Dare

    An eight-year-old boy approached an old man in front of a wishing well, looked up into his eyes, and said:  "I understand you're a very wise man. I'd like to know the secret of life."  The old man looked down at the youngster and replied:  "I've thought a lot in my lifetime, and the secret can be summed up in four words.  The first is think.   Think about the values you wish to live your life by.  The second is believe.   Believe in yourself based on the thinking you've done about the values you're going to live your life by.  The third is dream.  Dream about the things that can be, based on your belief in yourself and the values you're going to live by.  The last is dare.  Dare to make your dreams become reality, based on your belief in yourself and your values."  And with that, Walter E. Disney said to the little boy, Think, Believe, Dream, and Dare.

    Author Unknown

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    I have found that the deepest, most meaningful aspects to my life are often the ones that first appear to be so ordinary and inconsequential. The source of the blessings in my life is deep within, past whatever abilities or attainments I have or don't have, past any circumstances or fortune, past whatever can be seen as a cause or an effect. That source is still invisible and unknown and yet the most real aspect of my life. You're the one who knows what's best for you and by allowing that time to be with the God in your heart, you will strengthen the knowledge of yourself and then realize the divine essence that's inherent in you.

    Part of loving a child is to create an atmosphere of freedom and to teach the child that with freedom comes responsibility. Part of loving is also to provide the child with what is needed to develop her own loving heart. Sometimes that is called discipline, which may produce the freedom to be more loving in a happy household. Good habits can be taught, and loving choices can be encouraged. Take the opportunity of walking your child to bed, tucking her under the covers, and spending some time talking, as a loving privilege for both of you. You might ask, "What did you do today that you'd like to do tomorrow?" Or, "What is it that you did today that you don't want to do tomorrow?" If you ask those questions with love and interest, your child's answers may surprise and delight you. This loving process can also assist your child in letting go of any disturbances of the day, setting up a clean slate for a positive experience tomorrow.

    To live means to experience--through doing, feeling, thinking.
    Experience takes place in time, so time is the ultimate scarce resource we have.
    Over the years, the content of experience will determine the quality of life.
    Therefore one of the most essential decisions any of us can make is
    about how one's time is allocated or invested.

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