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Just an assignment folks! If there's any errors dont get alarmed, It's just one of my MANY stuff up's!


Where would we be without hyper links?? stuck on one page thats where hyper links allow us to instantly jump from one document to another, by opening up a new window or opening the document in the window you already have open, this is the basic code:

<a href=" Link_Address.html"> Link Name </a>
This is what it looks like! (Example: MAIN PAGE you can see that the cursor turns into a hand whilst waving over the top of this link.)
Note though to remember to add the FULL address of the link, for example http://www.....etc or A:\...etc or the link my not find the site you are linking to.

For a button, which is a picture used as the link instead of plain text,

<a href="Link.html"> <img src="Image.gif"> </a>

(This is also how you make Thumbnails, you add the link of the picture behind the same picture and resize the image in the <img src="Image.gif"> tag, you must also add the resizing addition to this tag, which is in The Previous page like this:)

This is the code:
<A HREF="Link.html"> <IMG SRC="Image.gif" WIDTH=100 HEIGHT=45> </a>
You can also add BORDER=0 to your tags to remove the border (On mine it is white).

And now for something completly diferent
Hyperlinks that take you to another part on the same webpage.
Here is a link as an example:
To the top!

This is what I typed

<a href="#TOP">To the top!</a>
as the link, and
<a name="TOP"></a>
as the target sorce! (You type this where you want the documet to go to). You can also make this into a button quite easily just by following the code here! and cobining it with the code above.