Friday Sabbath Service
Preservice Preparations
- Have two members at door as greeters
- Have two pairs of members (4 people) available to pull curtains of the Ark (Aleiyas)
- Have two members ready for candle lighting and Kiddush prayer (Aleiyas)
- Start with words of welcome to the congregation.
- Introduce visitors and guests
- Page 1 Light candles.
- Page 2 Ma Tovu chant together or read responsively.
- Page 3 All rise for Le-Cha do-di. Face door for fourth verse only. Chanting or reading optional. Transliteration or English optional.
- Page 4 Remain standing for the Barchu, the call to worship. Transliteration in box then to top of page 5 for English.
- Page 5 Remain standing for Shema. Chant top two lines in box.
- Page 6 Read Shema in English followed by the V'ahavta. Be seated.
- Page 6 Mi-chamocha, chant.
- Page 7 Read English.
- Page 7 Skip to bottom for English of the Ve-sha-me-ru 'The children of ...(read together)
- Page 8 Readers Kaddish, chant transliteration in box.
- Page 9 Read in English the top portion of the page up to the word Tfilah. Then have Ark curtains opened. Leader must take care to be at the side of the Reader's table whenever the Ark is open. Then ask all to rise for the Amidah.
- Page 10 Either chant the transliteration of the Tfillah in the box or go immediately to the English 'Oh Lord open my lips...End with 'for the sake of your name'.
- Page 11 Bottom read in English together with congregation.
- Page 12 Under the box 'Oh grant...' Then Bottom 'May the words of my mouth'...Ark is closed. Please be seated.
- Sermon or Parsha
Following sermon or Parsha
- Announcements including thanks for individuals who participated in the service or preparation of the Oneg to which everyone is now invited.
- Mi Shebayrach: Select a sample or feel free to offer your own prayer.
- Page 13 Kiddush - (Person assigned to this earlier).
- Page 13 Sim Shalom - optional in Hebrew or English.
- Page 14 Usually read responsively. Ark is opened before Aleinu, All Rise.
- Page 14 & 15 Chanted or English. Leader must take care to be at the side of the Reader's table whenever the Ark is open.
- Page 14 During the Aleinu on line 7 from the top 'Va-anachnu Korim...' bend knee for a moment and keep head bowed until line 8, then raise head with words 'Lifney melech...'
- Page 15 Read English reponsively to bottom. When Ark is closed, all may sit.
- Page 16 Mourner's Kaddish, chant in transliteration. It has become a tradition for the entire congregation to participate in this Kaddish. Say a few words (sample) indicating that there were so many people destroyed in our generation for whom no one says Kaddish that this has been taken on as a mitzvot. (These remarks give the congregation a chance to sit for a few moments.). Then say 'Please rise for the Kaddish'.
- Page 17 English for the Kaddish (page 16) is optional.
- Page 17 Read Hebew transliteration to which congregation will respond with 'Ken Y'hi Ratzon', then English translation at bottom.
- Page 18 Adon Alom
- Shabbat Shalom