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This page contains details of all the Gareth Knight books which aren't in the current catalogue. Some of them are out of print, others low in stock, and their availability may vary. Where possible, a link has been provided to the Amazon online bookshop, where you may be able to order them.


The Occult: an introduction

An authoritative, clear and simple survey of the whole field of the occult for the general enquirer.

It starts with an outline history of how it all started far back in the days of ancient civilisations, through to the contemporary explosion of interest in this fascinating subject. There then follows a glossary of occult terms and subjects, with suggestions for further reading.

Finally it contains a short practical section on how the reader can get started, with hints on meditation and techniques of occult visualisation that open up psychic and spiritual awareness.

Illustrated throughout with specially commissioned line drawings.

First published by Kahn & Averill, 1975.
New edition (1990) published by Kahn & Averill, 9 Harrington Road, London SW7 3ES, UK.
ISBN: 1-871082-09-9
This book can be ordered online at only.

Experience of the Inner Worlds

In this book Gareth Knight eschews the oriental influence that has crept into Western esotericism during the last hundred years and goes back to the fundamentals of the mystical traditions of Judaism, Islam and Christianity, the "peoples of the Book". The first half of Experience of the Inner Worlds is devoted to getting the principles right -- learning to distinguish between magic and mysticism, natural and revealed religion, monism and theism.

Then Knight gets down to practicalities. He analyses the merits of inner plane communication, traditional ideas of the Masters, the psychological approach of C.G.Jung, and the possibility of communication with non-human entities -- angelic or elemental.

Knight also discusses the formulation of a three-dimensional magic circle or mandala, basing the theory on the oldest Qabalistic text available, the Sepher Yetzirah. From this he emphasises the essential God-based background of all magical work, and analyses the Tree of Life in this light. Finally, he gives practical examples of magic at work.

While this book can be used as a course of self-instruction by the individual student, it is also an important modern reference book of magical theory and practice.

First published by Helios Books, 1975.
Now published by Samuel Weiser, Inc., Box 612, York Beach, ME 03910, USA.
ISBN: 0-87728-787-2
This book can be ordered online. UK and Europe: USA:

The Rose Cross and the Goddess

Gareth Knight shows how the feminine 'spirit of the rose' has been brought to bloom in the past with examples from ancient Greece, the Graeco-Roman world, seventeenth century Rosicrucian spiritual alchemy, and Tibetan Mahayana Buddhism.

Through an analysis of the legendary origins of the cult of the Virgin, he explores the relationship of this movement with the increasingly urgent need for mankind to come to terms with the Feminine Principle -- whether this be expressed in terms of the mystic gleam of the Holy Grail or an increased responsibility to our Mother Earth.

First published by Aquarian Press, 1985.
Now published as Evoking the Goddess by Destiny Books
ISBN: 0-85030-358-3
This book can be ordered online. USA:

This edition is now out of print, but may be still available.

The Treasure House of Images

The Tarot has often been interpreted as a fortune telling device but, as Gareth Knight reveals, it is also a profound and powerful system of High Renaissance magic.

Here is unfolded the fascinating history and development of the Tarot, from its fifteenth-century beginnings to the massive explosion of its popularity as a system of occult symbolism in the past thirty years.

Knight presents his analysis of the basic archetypal principle behind each card and gives practical examples of magical work with the Tarot images in pathworkings and rituals, much of which can be used and developed by the serious student.

First published by Aquarian Press, 1986.
Now published as Tarot and Magic by Destiny Books
ISBN: 0-85030-435-0
This book can be ordered online. UK and Europe: USA: .

This edition is actually out of print but may be still available.

Tarot and Magic

Gareth Knight reveals within the Tarot a profound and powerful system of magic. He takes the reader beyond the basics of divination and shows how the Tarot provides a meditative key to the expansion of one's consciousness. His insightful analysis of the archetypal principles behind each card is augmented by methods of magical practice. These techniques combine the imagery of the Tarot with an inner journey along the paths of the Qabalistic Tree of Life, evoking wisdom and an understanding of the mysteries.

First published as The Treasure House of Images by Aquarian Press, 1986.
New edition (1991) published by Destiny Books, One Park Street, Rochester, Vermont, USA  05767
ISBN: 0-89281-316-4
This book can be ordered online from

If you have problems getting hold of this title, try ordering the original edition,The Treasure House of Images.

The Magical World of the Inklings

J R R Tolkein - C S Lewis - Charles Williams - Owen Barfield

The Inklings were a small group of friends and writers who set out to explore the 'mythopoeic' or myth making element in imaginative fiction.

The works of J R R Tolkein, C S Lewis, Charles Williams and Owen Barfield have made a profound impact on the contemporary world. The Magical World of the Inklings reveals how each created a 'magical world' which initiated the reader into the hidden and powerful realms of the creative imagination.

"...because of the combination of information, understanding and insight on which it is founded, The Magical World of the Inklings is more than outstanding. It is not in the same league with anything else I have come across." -- Owen Barfield

First published by Element Books, 1990.
Element Books Ltd, The Courtyard, Bell Street, Shaftesbury, Dorset, UK SP7 8BP
ISBN: 1-85230-169-4
This book can be ordered online from

The Magical World of the Tarot

The tarot has become enormously popular as a tool for divination and, on a more esoteric level, as a source of symbolic wisdom. Gareth Knight combines the two traditions into a connected workable system for students of the tarot.

Knight takes readers on a thorough exploration of each card -- its symbolic interpretation, how it has changed and developed through history -- and offers exercises that develop familiarity with each card. He presents nine lessons that combine basic instruction in the mechanics of divination with magical visualisation techniques. He explains both the Celtic Cross layout and his famous Knight Spiral 21-card spread, using symbolism that can be applied to most tarot decks.

Perhaps most useful for students of the tarot are Knight's answers to questions raised by former students of his widely acclaimed Tarot Course. The book is an excellent practical guide to using the tarot for personal spiritual growth and for learning how to read the cards for others.

"Knight, drawing on his encyclopedic knowledge of the subject, animates the Tarot with brilliant imagery and profound wisdom... Magical World of the Tarot represents an outstanding guide for the novice." -- New Moon Rising (Samhain 1998)

Originally produced as a private correspondence course, 1987.
First published by Aquarian Press, 1991.
Now published by Samuel Weiser, Inc., Box 612, York Beach, ME, US  03910
ISBN: 0-87728-873-9
This book can be ordered online. UK and Europe: USA:

Dion Fortune's Magical Battle of Britain

(edited with commentary by Gareth Knight)

Immediately following Germany's invasion of Poland, which resulted in Britain's declaration of war, Dion Fortune -- the founder of Britain's foremost magical order The Society of the Inner Light -- initiated a magical programme designed to thwart the expansionsist intentions of the Third Reich, and thus the invasion of Britain.

Now, more than fifty years on, those instruction papers have been released from the archives of her school. Accompanied by a commentary from Gareth Knight, himself an initiate of Dion Fortune's fraternity, these teachings offer the reader an astonishing insight into the workings of a genuine esoteric school and their -- until now -- hidden yet significant contribution to Britain's war effort.

First published by Golden Gates, 1993.
Available from The Society of the Inner Light, 38 Steele's Road, London NW3 4RG, UK.
ISBN: 1-898260-00-1
This book can be ordered online from



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Last updated 3rd October 2000