MW Attends Dr.Neon's Bash page 1
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Mr. Wonderful

Mr.Wonderful Attends Dr. Neon's
December 1999 Bash ! Page 1

last updated: August 29th, 2000


(Photos, Click & Enlarge)


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"I love you Mr.Wonderful"

Mr.Wonderful's Assistant

Due to a scheduling conflict, Mr.Wonderful attended the party without Mrs.Wonderful. Geri was thoughtful enough to accompany me in order to dampen the ardor of the multitude of pheromone driven women sure to approach me. (August 2000: Have you seen Geri in the 'Beth & Bill' commercials they are doing for Westcor? She's the mannequin that comes 'alive.')
Bar Scene. Red eyes not due to flash

One of the Four Fully Stocked Bars

Another MW Admirer

Beautiful Women Abounded at the Party

This one forced the good Mr. Wonderful to take a photo of her.
Bill Hranek 602-878-7950

The Finest Mobile Disc Jockey in Three Zip Codes!

Bill Hranek and Mr. Wonderful kept the sometimes comatose party goers hopping.
El Chupacabra, 9 Feet Tall!

A Goat-Sucking Chupacabra
Threatened Party Goer's!

Mr.Wonderful, using techniques acquired from the actual Crocodile Dundee,(God rest his soul) quickly domesticated the violent, fearsome and awful beast. I soon had it dancing and serving drinks to the NBA players in attendance.
nouveau riche mingling

100 Proof Fun

This young couple are talking with Ms. Wonderful, my daughter. Notice how the gentleman is staring at Mr.Wonderful and thoughtfully restraining his many questions.
Neon Signs Lit the Night

Dr. Neon's Corniche

Bathed in, What Else? Neon.
Saxophone Serenade

The Steel Drum Band

Mr. Wonderful let the good Dr. Neon borrow his staff steel drum band.
Dan Harkins

Dan Harkins Approaches Mr.Wonderful

As a proxy for Steven Spielberg, Dan was imploring Mr. Wonderful
to star in an upcoming blockbuster movie.
Not just another pink salmon!

U.S.Congressman Matt Salmon

Congressman Matt Salmon battles past Mr.Wonderful's armed security detail to ask for directions to the nearest water closet.
John Shadegg

U.S.Congressman John Shadegg Queries Mr.Wonderful

Arizona Congressman Shadegg attempts to collect twelve months of advice from the massive intellect known only as Mr. Wonderful.
Geri & Dr.Neon

Geri Smiles for Dr. Neon

I didn't really want to get a picture of Dr. Neon, he just stepped in the way! Of course, Dr. Neon, being the size of Orson Welles (and about as wealthy) is pretty much always in the way.