What Drove Me To Make A Dr.Laura Page:
Consider that she:
- Posed for *nude beaver shots* taken by her then boyfriend ... available on the internet. How stupid is that?!
(* In response to ongoing 'Laura Litigation' this link may go-away without notice. Due to overwhelming requests to reveal it, I have provided the information at this time. As far as her appearance in the photos, she ain't got nothing to be ashamed of.)
- Fooled around with a married guy while she herself was married. She often snottily labels her female callers as "unpaid whores" when they do this.
- Had a tubal ligation to prevent pregnancy from her own uncontrollable promiscuous yearnings
- Lived with a man for ten years before marrying him. She would refer to it as "shacking up!" She would say, "So your mother was a whore and shacked up with a man!"
- AND yet she has the audacity to relentlessly harangue her hurtin' callers on national radio!
- Mr.Wonderful was reading a women's health magazine in which a myriad of famous and successful women were asked who their 'idol,' who their 'icon' was, who their 'model' was. All of the women answered the question, except, Dr. Laura, because she has no 'icon', 'idol' or 'model.' She is self-made perfection! She probably believes she has no peers either...!
- I quote from The Jerusalem Report of November 23, 1998:
An appearance last year before the women's division of the Dallas Jewish Federation generated press reports that Schlesinger had behaved arrogantly to her hosts, rudely to fans, and was hell on wheels, despite her $30,000 speaking fee, to accommodate logistically. "I don't think there was anyone in the room she didn't offend," said one woman who attended.
That's What Drove Me To Make A Dr.Laura Page !