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Frank Lloyd Wright-designed Spire

Frank Lloyd Wright Spire situated on the corner of, oddly enough, Frank Lloyd Wright Boulevard and Scottsdale Road in Scottsdale Arizona. Driving in the pre-dawn morning I spotted this thing like a 200 foot tall needle fallen from the sky.
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F.L.W.-designed Spire Daytime

Here is what the spire looks like during the day.
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F.L.W.-designed Spire Scaffolded

Apparently it's not quite finished because now Statute-of-Liberty-like it is covered in scaffolding.
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Camaro vs. Van

The quick camera of MW catches an accident scene as I crawl by it on Scottsdale Road. The Scottsdale police cars do not actually have "" in red, emblazoned on their doors. From this angle it looks as if the Rural Metro ladder truck hit the van.
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Camaro vs. Van Two

A closer shot of the same accident. As is typical of shovel-nosed automobiles as the Camaro, like a wedge, it went beneath the taller van and shoved it into the air.

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