MW Talks Politics March 2000

Mr. Wonderful Talks Politics

3/25/00: Reno No Time for Waco
3/23/00: Census Counts Illegals
3/22/00: Big Brother Bags @ Basha's
3/18/00: You Are Stupid
3/17/00: 40s Census Imprisons Asians

3/10/00: AZ Dems Vote Online
3/10/00: AZ Insures Illegal Drivers?
3/06/00: Medicare Fixes Are Foul
2/14/00: Transit 2000 Trash Talk

3/25/2000: Reno's Shaky Excuse, "No Time!"
Attorney General Janet Reno has been limited to offering only two hours of testimony in the Waco-Branch Davidian lawsuit. Two hours is "ample time" for his boss to testify, pronounces the judge presiding over the case. The time limit, according to the folks at the Justice Department is due to the "heavy demands" of Reno's position. Mr.Wonderful, as you know, is currently involved in secret federal judicial proceedings. He can tell you, you ignorant ones, that two hours is not enough to question someone surrounding circumstances where 80 persons lost their lives. Giant Janet Reno stated, "The buck stops here" as 80 smoldering corpses were bagged in the state of Texas. Can you imagine just how much time it takes for Ms.Reno to prepare for and participate in her weekly news conferences defending why she insists on sending Elian Gonzales (one child) back into the grasp of Cuba's Communist Castro*?Couric. She likes to go BowelingCastro, Using a Cigar as Intended Preparing for and personally participating in those television performances must consume hours and hours. And, she shouldn't even be involved in that controversy. But yet, when the Waco massacre literally raises up like a phoenix in front of the Buck Stopping Celibate General she can only spare 90 seconds for each man, woman and child who perished? (*Speaking of El Furby, are you aware that Castro had an operation years ago to tighten up his anus? Do you think him and Katie Couric hang together? How does "Katie Couric Castro" sound? Better yet and closer to the truth, how about "Communist Katie Couric Castro from Cuba?")
3/23/2000: Census, It's Not Just for Citizen's !
Ever ponder just why The National Census is especially concerned with counting illegal aliens? The reason our government wants to be sure that the states count all their illegal aliens is so that these same states, that are home to thousands of undocumented workers, will receive more federal dollars. With these extra dollars, these states will, in essence, make the lives of these criminal residents easier. Besides, it is no longer considered 'politically correct' to suspect an individual as being here illegally just because he has not bathed in days, always rides a bicycle, lives in a house with twelve other unrelated persons and doesn't speak a single word of English. English Lessons You see, for our brave professional politicians, it is easier to increase the taxes of the honest, hard working, legal residents of this country, than it is to face the hordes of illegals and their lawyers who rise up at any concentrated attempt to deport them. Of course the real reason these people are so coddled is that liberal politicians need voters who are illiterate. Because they know these people, devoid of any facts not written on the side of a six-pack of Budweiser beer, will believe in and vote for virtually any lie these Leninist legislators propose.
3/22/2000: Big Brother Bagging at Basha's ?
The other day, Mr. Wonderful was shocked to discover that agents of the federal government were able to attribute a horrible crime (har!) to an individual by using a everyday grocery store receipt. How, you ask? Simple. They took the grocery store slip back to the store that issued it and asked to see who the card owner was. What card? Their frequent shopper card! The cards that Fry's, Abco, Basha's and other businesses issue not only allow these corporations to track your buying, but they also allow Big Brother to peek inside your "plastic" or "paper" bag where they can see whether you're buying 'unhealthy' beer or great tasting (and healthy) tofu.
3/18/2000: Liberal Crap Shoveled on CNBC !
Liberal Promises Exposed This afternoon on the CNBC Tim Russert show, Representative Sheila Jackson Lee (Dem.Tx) exposed just how totalitarian her party is. She claims, that since George W. Bush has raised $70 million from private donors, "...he doesn't want our money..." And because he doesn't want ("our money" ie., Federal Matching Funds) she alleges Governor Bush won't be beholding as President Bush to the taxpayers of this country. (Follow this logic, in Demspeak Federal Matching Funds is "our money," meaning taxpayers money. But yet when tax cuts are mentioned, the "our money" phrase translates to "their money.") In a liberal's mind, because a man has engendered enough private funding not to request, on hands and knees, Federal Matching funds, he is some kind of pariah. He becomes some kind of miscreant. Clinton DefenderMs. Jackson, may I remind you that for hundreds of years, Presidential Campaigns were financed without any Federal Matching Funds whatsoever. And then, to sling more stinky liberal garbage into the conversation, she attacked G.W.'s proposed $800 billion tax cut as a threat to Social Security. Listen Sheila, regardless of any cuts, FICA will continue to chew a 15% chunk out of every paycheck, everywhere, every payday, for eternity. If Social Security is such a sterling deal, why after collecting billions on a weekly basis for over five decades, the System is now teetering on collapse? Where did the money go? Hmmmmmm? Leninist Lee also chanted the absolutely asinine liberal mantra of "shoring up Medicare." How do you shore up a program that is being defrauded and mismanaged to the tune of $36 million per day? Do you add on Prescription Drug Coverage and Long Term Care? Folks, these people have plans for every single dollar you earn. That's the plan. You earn it. They spend it. After all, you're too stupid to know how to spend the money you earned, aren't you?
3/17/2000: 1940's Census Sends Citizen's to Camp !
I'm willing to wager, that most high school student's today are not aware that the 1940's Democratic administration of President 'Saint' Franklin Delano Roosevelt rounded up American citizens of Japanese and German heritage, seized their property, and placed many of them in 'relocation camps.' These camps were located in remote areas of California and the southwest. How, pray tell, did this administration, limited by carbon paper and travel by train accomplish this? How did they locate these possibly seditious individuals? They used the Census forms these soon-to-be prisoner-citizen's had filled out! Think about that. Why don't today's high school history classes alert our children to the awful, shameful fact of this un-Constitutional action by the 'savior of democracy,' then President, F.D.R.? Two reasons: One, he was a Democrat, and everyone knows that Democrats are first and foremost for the little guy, the minorities and the downtrodden. Exposure of this episode might tarnish the image our children hold of today's Democratic Party (har!). The second reason our children aren't taught of this evil incarceration is that these American citizen's were not people of 'color.' They were simply pale European Caucasians and the then hated 'Jap's.' (Note that Mr.Wonderful's father, while too being German to fight German's, did possess the common 'Kraut' attribute of being too cerebral to while away the war at 'camp.' During the war, he toiled on the electrical systems of our Navy cruisers and later, with another German, on The Manhattan Project.)
3/10/2000: Democratic On-Line Voting
Old Fashioned Vote Counting The Democratic Machine in Arizona wants its party members to try Internet Voting. Sounds nice doesn't it? Sounds convenient doesn't it? And with individual PIN numbers mailed to all voters, it sounds tamper proof ... doesn't it? However, Mr.Wonderful sees through this Democratic effort to make voting 'easier.' My first point is that in order to vote what does that trashed piece of human debris sitting on the curb at 2nd Street and Roosevelt need? He needs a computer! True, he does spend most of his daytime hours inside the peyote inspired architecture of the Burton Barr Library. A city library which also houses twenty-five PC's for free use by its citizens. However, he still must be allotted a PC. A Personal Computer bought with Washington's money doled out to those PC manufacturers that tow the administration's line. My second point is that, eventually, with all Presidential voting being sent from citizen's individual PC's into one central server to be gathered and counted, we have a huge potential for fraud.LBJ They could name this central server the L.B.J. Memorial Vote Counter, or how about the Mayor Daley Digitizer?  With the hopes of buying the Presidency of the United States in mind, I cannot even imagine the truck loads of money that would be assaulting the integrity of this system. Dem's are so concerned with creating new 'campaign finance' laws, to affect a 'fair' election (while ignoring enforcing the current ones) but yet will blindly embrace a system that could easily be used to reverse the outcome of any campaign, regardless of its' financing.
3/10/2000: State Capitol Ponders Illegal's Insurance !
For those of you who imagine the only deeds illegal aliens do is to provide cheap labor, you need to be made aware of how their off-the-job activities offset their low payroll demands. With their multiple families to a house policy and their children running feral all day they destroy neighborhoods. Many of them rape, murder, burglar and consider shop-lifting an Olympic Sport.Street Gang Are you aware that the largest, most violent street-gang in Phoenix is made up of entirely two thousand plus illegal aliens? Into this country they often bring illegal drugs, weapons and new strains of diseases. They burden our welfare services and public school systems. They burden our hospital emergency rooms with their late night Corona fueled discussions that often turn into knife or gun fights. They burden our delivery rooms with their (purposely) last minute demands for free birthing assistance and instant U.S. Citizenship. These are not the same class of immigrants that came into Ellis Island or braved the Rio Grande at the beginning of the last century. These people are strip mining the goodness of American's and crapping on our culture. They have no intention of learning English, they have no intention of obeying our laws, they have no desire to dissolve into the American Melting Pot. They have no means to contribute to making America a better place. After all, there are only so many ways one can trim an Oleander bush, only so many patterns a lawn can be mowed in and only so quickly an SUV be washed. And now, they insist on having Arizona Driver's Licenses issued without proof of citizenship or even proof of identity! Know that Latin American certification of birth, identification or education is about as reliable as F-16's flying out of Luke Air Force Base. Their backers insist that these criminals-all, if they only had Arizona driver's license's they would purchase auto insurance. With absolutely no way to prove who they are actually insuring, there isn't a U.S. based auto insurer who would sell these illegal's insurance. And these people, who spend more on wide wheel and tires than most American's spend on gasoline, are not about to purchase auto insurance that can't be found alongside the $2 Land's End shirt and a $3 lawn chair at a weekend yard sale.
3/06/2000: Medicare Fixes Foul the Air !
(Note: Strike-Out's Indicate 3-10-2000 Corrections based on an AP article.)
In Mr. Wonderful's mind, Medicare, the prime engine behind runaway medical inflation, is mortally wounded and cannot be fixed. Candidates who pledge to repair this corrupt medical/hospitalization plan, apparently run by Lewis Carol, should also explain that Medicare is losing $30 million $36,986,301 per day to fraud, waste and mistakes. Candidates promising to expand Medicare coverage should be confined to a rubber room and plumbed with a saline and Zoloft® drip. $30,000,000 $36,986,301 per day lost! I'd say pissed away but no one can piss that hard! $30,000,000 $36,986,301 per day. Wrap your mind around this: to lose $30 $36 million a day, this program must mislay $20,833 $25,684 every minute. In 90 70 seconds this program loses more money than most Americans gross in an entire year. It's time chop the head off this plundering Leviathan before it is 'fixed' and then spurts loses of $60 $73 million per day.
2/14/2000:Transit 2000 Trash Talk
1940s Light Rail-Click to Enlarge The 64-color Light Rail Rapid Transit brochure explains the Legacy Builder's plan for Phoenix. Twenty four miles of light rail construction in the first sixteen years! Folks, during that period of time a child will progress from kindergarten to college graduation. Do you imagine there might be some radical innovations in transit during this same time? The cost of the Light Rail would be $1,654,000,000! Yeeeouuchh! Can you picture Central Avenue and some of the heaviest trafficked major streets in Phoenix and Tempe barricaded for decades? Legacy Builder front man, Mayor Rimsza, a Realtor when he's not Mayor of Phoenix (which means he won't be using this transit throwback to the 30s) explains that the 'light rail' would serve 50,000 people. That's a cost of $33,080 per person. Couldn't we just purchase each one of these individuals a Mercury Navigator SUV and be done with it? Is it coincidence that this proposed 'light rail' will serve mainly government employees and the thousands of lawyers who feed on the new regulations ripped from our State and U.S. Constitutions? Only could government seriously propose such an inflexible, outmoded, unbelievably expensive mode of transportation. This Light Rail Rapid Transit system would be akin to Microsoft abandoning Windows 2000 and rolling out new $1,500 manual typewriters. Phoenicians say NO! to this Nightmare Train!