Mr. Wonderful Talks Politics

7/10/00: Gay Pride "Pope Homophobe!"
7/07/00: INS Increases Rescue Flights
7/05/00: Anti-Death Penalty Dolts
7/03/00: 50% Pay 96% of Taxes
7/02/00: $tatus of Abortion
6/30/00: Supreme Court Gags Gays
6/26/00: Reality Behind Hate Crimes
6/25/00: When A-Bomb Secrets Were
6/23/00: EPA Halts INS Construction
6/22/00: Clinton Visits Phoenix
6/20/00: Finest Health Care in France
6/17/00: Mervyn's Secure, Alamos Not
6/14/00: Reno's Skewed Priorities

7/10/2000: Franco Grillini Claims Pope Homophobe !

Pope Dude Saturday, the World Gay Pride march attracted 70,000 in Rome, Italy. The Pope, whom Catholics believe to be God's voice on Earth, stated that the march was an "offense to Christian values" and that homosexual behavior was "against natural law." So of course, butt-pirate Franco Grillini chairman of the gay rights group Arcigay, responded that the Vatican demonstrates homophobia and anti-gay prejudice. He went on to spurt, get this, "The Pope is mistaken when he says homosexuality is unnatural. Who decides what is natural and what is not?" Franco is a pretty smart guy, eh? Franco, if homosexuality were natural my meat pipe smoking friend, the human race would have perished eons ago. Proud Gay Men And another thing, my Italian rump ranger, to disagree with the homosexual lifestyle and to say it is wrong and unnatural is not homophobia, it is stating the strong beliefs of virtually all humans who are not homosexual. And what is this about "Gay Pride?" How can there be pride in the fact that an adult man allows another male to root around in his mouth using his turgid penis? How can there be pride in a man who enjoys having another man insert his dip stick inside his anus? Pride? Pride? What is a shameful act is now called pride. I don't hate gays, I believe they are emotionally ill and deserve respect and compassion as does any human being. But I will never bend over and accept their lifestyle as being either "natural" or as something ever to be proud of.

7/7/2000: Border Patrol Increases Number of Flights !

Border Patrol Aircraft Our INS has greatly increased the number aircraft patrolling Arizona's southern border with Mexico. But not in order to capture and return more criminal illegal aliens to their homeland. The increase in air coverage is so that our Border Patrol agents may search for and then rescue these illegal aliens before perishing in our bountiful desert heat! You'd think that in defending our sacred boundaries, keeping illegals the hell out would be the number one priority. Alas! The number one priority of the Clinton-Gore-Reno team is to make illegally entering and remaining in these United States as easy and as comfortable as possible!

7/5/2000: Anti-Death Penalty Dolts !
The liberal major media is now attacking Conservatives directly and G.W.Bush indirectly by showing how 'inhumane' the death penalty is.Justice Gurney I've even listened to liberals propose that if one is against abortion one must also be against the death penalty for murder. But, I'm sorry, where is the trial, the conviction, the ten years of pleadings or the major media prior to the performance of each abortion? Your Mr.Wonderful, having been in secret judicial proceeding for months, has listened to the presentation of murder charges. These people, facing execution for murder, must be convicted twice, by two different sets of twelve jurors and then typically spend ten or more years appealing their innocence. Rarely is the victim or his family given any more mention by the media then a mere mumble. Almost as if the murderer had nothing to do with the condition of the deceased. In my opinion, the majority of these convicted murderers have caused more deaths than the one they were brought to trial for. Criminals need to know when they commit murder they will themselves be put to death by a just and moral society. And while opponents claim that it costs more to put these scum to death than serving out a life sentence, they never enter into the equation the emotional or monetary value of the individuals lost to the violence of these bastards.

7/3/2000: Top 50% Pay 96% of Income Taxes !
According to the Statistics of Income Bulletin, the top 50% of taxpayers pay 96% of all individual U.S. income taxes. Can we now put to rest the endless liberal wail that virtually any tax cut "benefits the rich?"People Made Poor by Roosevelt Hell, the bottom 50% of taxpayers, who I assume are "the non-rich," aka, "the poor," have only 4% of the U.S. Individual income tax burden to be collected from among their millions of individuals. How could any tax-cut help these sad citizens who now pay 50% less in Income Taxes than most Americans pay in Sales Taxes? (return to 7/24/00 page)   (return to 7/31/00 page)

7/2/2000: $tatus of Legalized Abortion
The Supreme Court's ruling last week that abortion, by any means, could be performed until minutes before birth, was not a shock to Pro-Life advocates. Nurses Killing. A sad oxymora.However, what should be a shock and a shame to all sentient beings is that income is the piston that powers the "Pro-Choice" engine. You imagine that a woman's "choice" is actually the rallying cry pushing the "Pro-Choice" movement? Consider if the Supreme Court were to allow abortion to remain legal, but with no one within the chain of providers allowed to accept any form of compensation, under the penalty of being charged with murder. The "Pro-Choice" movement would perish. Would perish as swiftly as an infant who just had her skull punctured and brains drained out inches before legal humanity was attained.

6/30/2000: Supreme Court Ruling Gags Gays !
Click to Enlarge This week the Supreme Court ruled that the Boy Scouts of American may exclude gay Scout Masters. The majority rightly decided that since the organization is privately run, they may decide who they allow to become members. Do you realize how totally screwed up our society is when it appears 'novel' that a group be unilaterally 'allowed' to actually decide who they will allow in their tent? Having numerous anonymous conversations with male homosexuals, Mr.Wonderful has more insight to the gay scene than most of us 'breeders.' And I can inform you that I could not imagine a more idyllic situation in which to transform heterosexual boys into gay men than the position of a homosexual Scout Master. Gay's honestly believe they chose the gay life-style. What they do not realize (or admit) is that they were actually drafted into the gay scene by experienced and hungry homosexual males. Who, prior to their meeting, also evidenced body language that was interpreted as 'queer,' or had an alcoholic or absent father and/or a loving or domineering mother and were drafted themselves. All the above traits are scents to the shark male-gays who can sniff out and crack-in on, I mean cash-in on.

6/26/2000: The Reality of Federal 'Hate-Crime' Legislation !
Have you ever been confused about Federal "Hate-Crime" laws and how anyone could not be for them? 10 ThingsHere are the reasons that you should be opposed to them. It is because these laws against "Hate-Crimes," "Civil Rights Violations" and such, are in addition to current existing laws. For instance, a black person is murdered while the assailant is yelling the "N" word. The accused will be charged with murder by State Prosecutors AND charged with violating the "Civil Rights" of the victim in a Federal Court. Why is this a bad thing? Because it gives the Federal Government another avenue to prosecute a crime ... which might be acceptable in a perfect world, but we don't live in a perfect world. (In a perfect world, Presidential interns would catch 100% of what was spat at them.) What these Federal "Hypen-Laws" do is allow the Federal Government to intrude their influence into virtually every trial in every State in the Union. Intrude with, thanks to your tax dollars, unlimited resources and time bounded only by the Statue of Limitations. Are you aware that, rather than being driven into bankruptcy by the legal fees of lawyers, many of those presented with a federal indictment, plead guilty, make a deal, or stipulate to ridiculous restrictions even if they are innocent, blameless or a victim of circumstance? Do you realize that typically the individuals with the wealth to defend themselves from the legal barrages of the canonical barrels of our Federal Government can do so only because they are working with wealth illegally obtained? Is that fair? Most Americans, (for example Billy Dale, formerly of the White Travel Office) simply cannot afford to defend themselves against a out of control Department of Justice, whether influenced by a Nixon or a Clinton. For instance, just today, guess who is investigating a case of arson at a Phoenix church? The BAFT, the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms. This is exactly what I'm writing about.

6/25/2000: When Secrets & Honor Were Kept
Hanford Engineer Works.Click & EnlargeDepartment of Energy Secretary, Bill Richardson, claims that Los Alamos scientists have an anathema against keeping secrets. So what's the surprise. Really? It wasn't always that way. Let me tell you about Mr.Wonderful Senior who toiled on the Manhattan Project during World War II. MW Sr. WWII ID(The original motive for the construction of Los Alamos was the Manhattan Project.) Always under suspicion because his loud and bombastic speech was tainted with an obvious German twang, Project Managers could not deny his genius, creativity and persistence. I only discovered that MW Senior had participated in this effort when my favorite brother Pat, informed me that our dad had, in a whispered voice admitted his contribution to the Manhattan Project. Admitted his contribution, only once in a hushed conversation, in 1965. Twenty years after Hiroshima was blistered by the blast of the 'Little-Boy' A-Bomb. There was a time when honorable men were expected to keep secrets and they did.

6/23/2000: EPA Smoke Screen Pollutes INS Goals !Canadian Border Patrol Outpost
Click to EnlargeGovernor Hull on June 2nd, revealed that the Environmental Protection Agency has halted paving and fence construction in the southern Arizona desert that was designed to prevent illegal immigration. The EPA wants to be certain that this construction, to protect the sovereignty of the United States, doesn't destroy the rarely traveled or seen desolate and dangerous desert. Horny Toad turds! This is just another impediment that this evil administration has erected to keep our borders open to illegal criminal immigration. The two other impediments to reversing the river of wetbacks (who now ride in Ford Expeditions) flowing into this country are: Number 1) When an illegal alien, who is not committing a criminal act, is discovered in Arizona, outside the territories patrolled by the INS, he is given a 'ticket.' A ticket, similar to a traffic ticket, to appear in court at some future date to be deported. Of course they never show up! Number 2) When a raid is planned on a suspected employer of illegal aliens, that business is given three days prior notice! That hundreds of thousands of illegal and illiterate aliens are destroying the very fabric of the American culture isn't a concern of the EPA or this evil administration. You'd better make it your concern, or your children and grandchildren will inhabit this planets first 'Second-World Nation.'
6/22/2000: President Clinton At Phoenix Ritz-Carlton for Luxury Lunch !Phoenix RC S/E Corner of 24th Street & Camelback Road
Lame Duck President Clinton visited my rustic Phoenix today. He was hosted by supposed Republican, made multi-millionaire by his Arizona State government associations, Jerry Colangelo. This appearance by President Clinton at a $5,000 per plate luncheon, raised $570,000 of the 'soft money' that the Dems are always complaining about. (I thought the Democrats represented the common 'working' man who could afford a $5,000 lunch about as much as I could afford an B-2 Bomber.) Clinton also deigned to visit the Heard Museum's collection of Native American antiquities and not finding a 5,000 year-old mummy to ogle, quickly left for San Diego. By the way, your Mr.Wonderful has no problem with a sitting President of the United States campaigning and fund raising, as I see no way around the necessary security aspects and the time considerations involved.

6/20/2000: World's Finest Health Care in France, WHO Reports !
Is that because even germs are repelled by the stench emanating from the armpits of the average French citizen? Naturally, the World Health Organization was using esoteric measurements that have very little relation to the actual delivery of health care to the average citizen.MRI-ingThis new measurement applauses health care systems, "that utilize few resources very well." Isn't that comforting? What would you rather face? The finest health care system on the planet, where individuals from all over the world fly in to receive treatment? Or treatment at a facility that utilizes a "few resources very well?" Point in fact, our frozen neighbor to the north, Canada, is rated 30th, seven places ahead of the United States. According to the Wall Street Journal, in Canada the hospital wait to be seen for prostate cancer is a deadly 13 weeks. Canadian doctors transport their patients to the U.S. to receive treatment before they literally die waiting!Running from the ReaperThe research claims that the U.S., ranked 37th, is very poor at the low cost preventive health care that keeps Europeans healthy. What? Heart attack and cancer are the largest killers in the Colonies and they are generally caused by individual lifestyle choices. The preventive health care implicitly implied by the WHO, to improve the U.S.'s rank, necessarily involves government removal of these individual lifestyle choices. The U.S. with freedoms and a rich social welfare net that Europe could only dream of AND an unemployment rate that is 75% below that of the Continent, allows and affords the 'poorest' citizen to eat or drink virtually whatever he wishes. And to die 4 1/2 years earlier than the average constipated, cramped, Calista Flockhart-sized citizen of Japan.
6/17/2000: Mervyn's California  More Secure Than Los Alamos Lab !
DD w/o CoverThe two missing N.E.S.T. portable disk drives were found yesterday stuffed behind a copying machine. Turns out the last time they may have been seen in the vault was way back in April 27th. They were in vault for certain on April 7th, 2000. There were no procedures in place to record when the disks were removed. You would have thought there were CCTV devices monitoring the vault or at least anti-theft tags attached to them. Get this! They were found missing when the lab was facing destruction from the Forest Service's controlled burn, and two members of N.E.S.T. went into the vault to make sure the drives would be safe. French A-Bomb, Very Smelly-Pinch Nose First, then Click to EnlargeJohn Browne, Los Alamos lab director, who should be shot for treason, learned they were missing on May 31st. At that time he ordered a thorough search of the lab ( operated by the University of California ) but in a clear case of C.Y.A. did not alert the F.B.I. Apparently until a rouge government, or a terrorist group or China detonates a nuclear weapon in the Student Union at U.C.L.A. (no loss) neither this administration, the public or Congress will consider safe guarding of our nuclear secrets vital.
6/14/2000:Reno's Skewed Priorities
Fat Man vs. DeadBeat DadToday it was revealed that the Los Alamos Laboratory  has lost track of two portable disc drives crammed full of top secret nuclear weapons information. These drives were to be used to counter any possible threat presented by terrorists or rouge nations threatening the use of nuclear devices. The Nuclear Emergency Security Team (N.E.S.T.)  would pack up these disc drives (kept at the Los Alamos Lab) and travel with them to the site of the threat. Once there, they would plug them into any lap top PC. Atomic Bomb-Click & EnlargeFlipping the PC's power switch on, they would have at their mouse-tip comprehensive information on any Soviet, Chinese, American, French, English or other nuclear weapon and  how to disarm it. Unfortunately, under penalty of law, I cannot let you, my Wonderful readers, know how I came to know this following shocking fact. However on this very day, Janet Reno, the top law enforcement officer in the land, is using FBI Special Agents  assigned to the "Anti-Terrorism Task Force"  not to keep hundreds of millions of Americans safe, but to track down parents who fail to pay child-support! Using the "Anti-Terrorism Task Force"  to capture Dead-Beat Dads Can you believe it!? Believe it.