Mr. Wonderful Talks Politics
03/27/01 (3:23PM): McCain Shuns the Groundling's !
The McCain-Fiengold campaign finance bill is touted to end the soft money in federal political campaigns. (Soft money is money that is donated to a specific political party, whose directors then decide which candidate the dollars will be funneled to or ah, expended on.) Isn't it odd, that the media, who is the co-beneficiary of all those hundreds of millions of campaign dollars spent for advertising is also the biggest whiner? Regardless, I continue to propose that any political campaign contributions from any person other than a U.S. citizen, whose legal residency is in these United States, be considered an illegal contribution. Not so Senator McCain. He proposes a campaign finance bill, as I understand it, that violates our Constitution, and perpetuates the purposeful design that keeps the patriarchal 'elected', for a period of two to six years, safely apart from the 'elector-citizens'. He does this most likely because he and his multi-millionaire Congressmen would rather wield their legislative power attending to thirteen thousand lobbyists than with fifty or sixty million voters. Hell, why grovel down with the innumerable, ignorant and ill clothed groundling's while a mere 13,000 well dressed, well spoken and good smelling lobbyists await amid the cigar fogged environment of any number of Beltway steak-houses?
03/18/01 (1:22PM): Sunday Morning Talk Show Roundup.
Sunday, Tim Russert displayed a graph demonstrating that our G.N.P. increase slowed to only 2.2% for July, August and September of 2000 and that the year 2000 fourth quarter our G.N.P. plummeted to a mere 1.1%. Do you imagine the major media, the DeMedia, will attribute these economic declines, as they have previously credited our former robust economy, to President Clinton? Not a chance! In regards to Bush's Tax Cut proposal, many tax and spend, spend, spender's in Congress are wishing a 'trigger mechanism' to halt the tax cuts if indeed, there is a severe economic downturn. To which Bush financial advisor, Larry Lindsey (the only politico who actually outweighs your Mr.Wonderful) responded ". . . if you had a recession, the last thing you'd want would be a tax increase." Mr. Lawrence, like many of my readers, may not remember that liberals and their far left socialist pioneers, like Franklin Delano Roosevelt, don't understand and never will succumb to the very real truths of simple economics. For instance, how many of my faithful realize that during the Great Depression of Monarch Roosevelt-the-Wheeled, that his court advisors believed higher retail prices and higher prices for labor could do nothing but improve the situation? How many realize that government storm-troopers invaded thousands of rural farms to slaughter livestock in an attempt to raise the price of meat in grocery stores across this nation? How many find it hard to comprehend that unionized Ford Motor Company workers went out on an FDR condoned strike for higher wages as 25% of American families were spending 35% of their time standing among the serpentine coils of 'soup kitchen' lines? Oh yes, the liberals both then and now have quite a different understanding of economics than us poor slob citizens often left suffering under their ill advised solutions.
03/14/01 (5:01PM): E.U. Hoof & Mouth Outbreak "Won't Escalate U.S. Meat Prices" !
If you believe that, you are a proud product of the efforts of teacher's enrolled in the N.E.A. Union. Because you should quickly realize that Great Britain, suffering from both the many year's long 'Mad Cow Disease' epidemic and the Hoof & Mouth plague has virtually no meat bearing livestock to harvest. And now, with the European Union also recently uncovering cases of both diseases in their livestock, diseases which mandate the destruction of any animal even suspected of being infected, meat prices world wide will be adversely affected. Most U.S. citizens didn't read the story about citizens of Germany breaking into public zoos in order to harvest wildebeest for their Wiener schnitzel. Yes Americans are going to be faced with drastically higher prices for meat, for energy and for gasoline this summer. But look on the sunny side, stocks are cheap.
03/08/01 (12:52AM): "...there are white niggers..."
If the above statement was made by any Republican it would be above-the-fold headline news for weeks. "Senator So-And-So, Says 'Nigger' !" But since the statement was made by Democrat and former Ku Klux Klan member Senator Robert Byrd it has been ignored by the DeMedia. Yet another example of the incredible bias shown by the major news outlets. Understand, that they simply ignore any ridiculous statements made by liberal Democrats and inevitably headline anything at all even possibly derogatory about any and all conservatives. Ever heard of "Strategery"? As a conservative I have been forced to carefully revise many common phrases to avoid committing an error as ingracious as Senator Byrd did. For instance, in the 1950s there was a saying that described a knob that certain individuals mounted on their steering wheels. Today I refer to that particular knob as a "Caucasian-Knob". Certain people used to rig a car to motivate even though it rightly belonged in a wrecking yard. The phrase I now use is "Caucasian-Rigged". As in, "You want me to ride around in that Caucasianed-Rigged car of yours?" When one bargained a price down it was described using the name of a certain religion. Again I have modified this phrase to, "I really Caucasianed him down on the price." Mr. Wonderful, the last one you'd think would bow to being Politically Correct, eh?
03/07/01 (6:46PM): Clinton's to Formally Divorce ! The Globe tabloid grocery store rag, a legitimate source for information about the Clinton Mafia, reports in its March 13th, 2001 issue that Hillary Clinton plans to file for divorce in April of 2001. The final straw apparently came over the scandalous Presidential pardons, especially the one issued for fugitive billionaire Marc Rich, whose ex-wife, Denise, seemed to show up at the White House every time Hillary was out of town. Clinton insiders quote Hillary as saying, "I'm taking him for everything and I'd better not hear a peep out of him."
03/06/01 (10:00AM): Tax Cut Actually a Nick !
I was unable to confirm this story, but I think it demonstrates how ridiculous the Democrats claim of an unfair-to-the-poor Bush Tax Plan is. I understand that yesterday the U.S. House of Representatives committee okayed a tax cut percentage of the lowest tax bracket from 15% to 10%. This cut would result in $5.6 billion more staying with the individuals and families who earned it. If you compare this 20% cut in the lowest tax rate percentage (15% to 12%) to the actual projected surplus, you will notice that it amounts to only 1% of that $5.6 trillion dollar overrun! (Are you aware that a class of taxpayers, who even though they pay no federal income tax receive income tax refunds?!) What I'm demonstrating is that the only way to prevent an irrational overabundunce of tax dollars from burying the blustering Beltway bureaucrats is to cut the taxes of the taxpayers who pay the highest percentage of taxes. Remember, perhaps as many as one-half of these taxpayers are privately owned businesses filing taxes as 'Sub S Corporations', not wealthy individuals. Lower taxes for these businesses might mean more benefits for their employees or could even determine their continued existence. It concerns me when I read in McClatchy Newspapers a column by Lawrence M. O'Rourke, that our own Senator John McCain is concerned about voting for a tax cut financed by federal budget surpluses that have not materialized. It makes me spit blood when Congress willy nilly raises taxes by huge percentages, but yet gives not a thought to the taxpayer. However, when it comes to cutting taxes these same bastards insist that it can't be done! (Are you aware that as the measly cuts this tax plan proposes are attacked as "unreasonable", "too large", and "unsustainable" that many of these same nay saying Congressmen are pushing for a tax free per diem for themselves of $165?)
In any case under the Bush Tax Plan the highest tax rate percentage will still be greater than the top rate was prior to Bill Clinton entering the White House in 1992.
03/04/01 (9:33AM): MW Agrees With Senator Byrd !
This morning, Tony Snow on Fox, interviewed octogenarian Senator Robert Byrd of West Virginia. When asked about 'race relations' Senator Byrd responded, ". . . we talk about race too much . . . I think we talk so much about it . . . there are white niggers (meaning people who assume false stereotypes based on skin color) . . . I'd soon as quit talkin' about it." As your Mr. Wonderful was struggling with a civil method of displaying my disdain for the recently concluded 'Black History Month', Senator Byrd expressed much the same opinion. How many of my readers saw the movie U571 based on possible World War II events? Particularly the scene where the U.S. sailor begged his officer not to tell the rest of the crew of his German heritage? He did this because German-American's during the 1940s faced the same irrational racism that Jews, Italians, Poles, Latinos, Asians and Negroes of those times endured. And what group has seemingly never escaped this racism? Negroes. Today known as 'Blacks' or African-Americans. And why have the majority of 'Blacks' not disappeared into the American-Melting Pot rather than hushing the conversation in any room they enter? Or being used as race-pawns as young blacks go door to door in wealthy white suburbs selling worthless and over priced crap? Because, just as Senator Byrd explained, ". . . we talk about race too much . . ." and because as John McWhorter explains in his book, Losing the Race, Black Americans are the only group that insists that racism vanish entirely prior to their integration into the American mainstream. Mr. Byrd and Mr. Wonderful unite to say, "Let's stop talkin' about race and get on with our lives."
03/01/01 (11:46AM): Perspective
Amid discussions of President Bush's tax cuts, I offer some perspective. If we translate the millions, billions and trillions of dollars that we hear being talked about, into seconds, here is the result:
A million seconds equals 11.57 days, while
A billion seconds equals 31.69 years, while
A trillion seconds equals 31,698 years and 230 days!
02/21/01 (6:26 PM): Rodham Receives $400,000 Pardon Fee !
Even though the major media, aka, the DeMedia, would like to keep this story under wraps, The National Enquirer, has revealed that Clinton-pardoned perjurer and mail fraud mogul, Glenn Braswell and a drug dealer caught with 800 pounds of cocaine, paid the brother of Hillary Clinton, attorney Hugh Rodham, $400k only forty eight hours after being set free by the 'Perjurer President', William Jefferson Clinton! Word has it that the money was quickly transferred to a Rodham controlled bank account in Canada. Of course, Mr.Clinton, assures us all (and confirms the incident) by stating that he and Senator Hillary Rodham-Clinton knew nothing of this transaction and have since insisted the money be returned* to the former felons. Remember, Bill Clinton is the same lying bastard who told the nation that, ". . . I did not have sexual relations with that woman . . . Monica Lewinsky." Hugh Rodham and the Clinton's were caught off guard because this type of transaction was 'business as usual' prior to January 21st, 2001. The time has come to out this Arkansas skank folks. It's proper now to let the dogs out and get the CIA searching for numbered foreign bank accounts in the name of the former President and First Lady. (*By the way, the money will be returned by writing checks that that will never be cashed! The oldest trick in the book.)
02/14/01 (4:31PM): A Monica Named Denise ?
Last Sunday night I was listening to Matt Drudge expound on the rumor that he had heard a national news magazine was holding a story about Bill Clinton's latest female conquest. I thought to myself, "Big Deal. Everyone knew when W.J.C. beat the impeachment rap that he'd have another knob-polisher before Monica's dress hit The Smithsonian !" However, when he mentioned that the newest lady was the former spouse of the recently Clinton-pardoned arms dealer, Marc Rich, my curiosity was awakened. Then when I saw Denise Rich on the tube the other night I understood that this attractive lady probably is Clinton's latest squeeze. After all we know that when poon-tang is involved Mr. Clinton will ignore any obstacles, such as morality or legality.
02/12/01 (9:13AM): Dick Morris Report's Hillary's Thefts !
In an article in today's New York Post, former Clinton chief advisor,
Dick Morris, points out that while the public financial-disclosure statements that Mrs. and President Clinton were required to fill out in their eight years at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, does not break out who received what gift, it is obvious that not one present intended for Hillary Clinton, ever found its way to any of the 'ocho' lists. Noted on the form for over a smattering of selected years, $12,435 was the value of a few gifts to Bill, while these same years revealed Hillary Clinton (now Senator Clinton) received no gifts! Yet, now, Clinton-investigator, Mr.Morris easily discovered that the First Lady received two purses conservatively valued at $10,000! These purses did not appear on any of the eight public financial-disclosure statements filed by the First Family from Hope. You would think, at the very least, with Hillary's concern for 'the children,' she would have auctioned off the purses and donated the proceeds to some juvenile charity. But, sadly, I suspect not.
02/07/01 (8:33AM): Why Dems Are Against Tax Rollback !
Sorry for leaving my loyal readers in the dark, but since I have been using my own News Links web page, I have been frozen, faced by too many stories and not enough time. Why is the Democratic leadership opposing a decrease in the amount withheld for federal taxes from our paychecks? They claim that the rich will benefit to a much greater extent than the 'working man.' Of course they fail to mention that these few rich also pay over 40% of all personal income taxes collected. They fail to understand that these rich are also likely to purchase a new Suburban or Expedition, keeping that 'working man' in Detroit on the job. They also fail to mention that 50% of all taxpayers contribute 94% of all personal income taxes collected! That leaves 50% of our population paying the remaining 6% of personal income taxes. Bush Economic Advisor Larry Lindsey stated last Sunday, that the IRS will collect, over the next ten years, more than $5,600,000,000,000 than they have budgeted to spend! Retiring the Social Security debt (which was entirely caused by decades of Congressional off-the-book borrowing from the Social Security Trust Fund) will require $2.5 trillions of those dollars, still leaving a $3.1 trillion surplus. He ponders what is imprudent in 'giving back' just $1.6 trillions (52%) of those surplus dollars via a cut in the percentage of income withheld for taxes? (This would mean more money in your pocket every payday this year.) What the Democratic Machine desires is to keep as much money in Washington as they can. They harp on fixing Social Security (so they can use those replenished Trust Funds for future off-the-book borrowing) and all of a sudden they are fixated on the national debt. Why? So they, in their infinite wisdom can expunge this projected surplus as they see fit. They would rather the two hundred and fifty or so anointed Democrat Congressmen decide how to burn through the dollars earned by the ignorant two hundred and fifty million U.S. citizens. Face facts readers, the only people not for a tax cut would be the Democrats in Congress, most federal employees and those on the federal dole.