Mr. Wonderful Talks Politics

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12/12/2002: President Thurmond at 100 Years !
Keerist! The Republican leader of the Senate said at a birthday party for the doddering Strom Thurmond, that the country would have been better off if he'd been elected back in 1948 and the DeMedia is horrified. Sadly, so are some of my fellow conservatives. I simply imagine, as Senator Lott later was forced to explain, that he was not speaking about the then DEMOCRAT'S pro-segregation stance, but instead about his stance on defense. Think back on the losers in the race for president over the past forty years. Can you even remember their names, much less their platforms? And then some of my conservatives grumble that Bush garnered only 8% of the black vote last election. "How can we let this statement and the Senator stand if we wish to gain a higher percentage of Black votes?" Arlington CemetaryYou know, if Abraham Lincoln being a Republican and freeing the slaves wasn't enough for today's Black's, and if hundreds of thousands of non-black American's dying in the war that freed the slaves, isn't enough, I say, with an attitude like that, who needs them? In my job as a security officer, every single time, EVERY single time, I challenge a black person (and these are wealthy Black individuals) I get the look that clearly says, "You are doing this only because I am Black." And I can expect a call from the head office the next morning. And that is bullshit. Because, like many other of us, evil-worthless-plotting Caucasian-American's, I bend over backwards to make absolutely sure, that Black's are treated more fairly than anyone else. Read: treated especially nice. Read: handled with kid-gloves. But this common response from Black's does clearly demonstrate that many Blacks (I can't call them "African-American's" any longer because my friend from Egypt is also an "African-American" but is denied any of the special privileges or considerations that Black-African-American's enjoy) still feel that they must be treated differently than everyone else. How sad is that? In an effort to 'get ahead', to snatch a piece of the American Dream, far too many Black's are still relying on their color whenever they can, to propel themselves to the head of the line, over or around any obstacles. Many can be likened to the American Indian who, finding himself off the reservation, still demands all the special perks that only reservation life allows. Like Martin Luther King, your Mr. Wonderful is more concerned with the content of a man's character than I am with his skin color.

12/09/2002: " . . . determined to go to war."
So said Robert Novak, on Sunday's talk show, about President Bush's resolve towards Iraq. I'm praying there is more evidence of weapons of mass destruction, a k a atomic or dirty radioactive bombs, than I read about on the back pages of the December 6th, 2002, Wall Street Journal. While it is true that Saddam slaughters his countrymen with about as much thought as the average diet-crazed American gives to exactly how that white meat on her chicken salad got there, in my mind there is little evidence that he is again poised to export his violence. Especially to the continental United States or Hawaii. North Korean Long-Duc-Dong guided missile And as far as murdering legions of his countrymen, Kim Jong IL, the leader of North Korea, has few peers in this, the 21st Century of our Lord. But, due to the fact that currently the DeMedia is concentrating on the horrible world-wide epidemic of food poisoning on cruise liners and attributing to AIDS every single death on the African continent, they've missed the fact that, because of the policies of the Communist dictator Kim Jong IL, otherwise healthy North Korean's are stripping the bark off of trees, not for shoes, but to eat. Another well known goal of this epigenetic madman is to develop an air-deliverable atomic bomb. The DeMedia has pooh-poohed the accepted fact that whack-job Mr. Jong IL is a megalomaniac on the order of former Arizona governor Evan Mecham squared. (EM2 = KJIL) And they have not made the connection, especially in a country the size of North Korea, that unlike Saddam's gases, chemicals and germs, nuclear weapons are only for use far beyond the borders of the Jong-dom. So, in my opinion, even if U.S. and British intelligence services can expose Saddam's 12,000 pages of laser-jet letterhead as lies, but cannot display a nuclear bomb program intended for the economically battered American shores, I am very concerned that our President's planned 200,000 man Iraq incursion is a misdirected, inappropriate and extremely expensive response to quelling world-wide terrorism.

11/27/2002: Saudi Princess Haifa al-Faisal Donation Demonstrates Good Heart
Strange words indeed, coming from an accused Muslim-hater, eh? But, dammit, let's look at the facts as we know them. Princess Haifa, awash in petro-dollars, feels pity on what she believes to be a very ill countryman in San Diego, California, USA. So she sends the woman money. This money then ends up in the hands of the woman's necessarily misogynistic Muslim mate who then passes the funds along to Khalid Almihdar and Nawaf Alhazmi, two of the coward hijackers who slammed the airliner full of innocents into the Pentagon building back on September 11th, 2001. Let's compare the Princess's compassion to the unrivaled greed of the few American acquisition-driven traitors, who by their actions, enabled Osama bin-Laden's dastardly plot to become reality. pilot training montage Who could your Mr. Wonderful be writing about? None other than the rapacious proprietors of the pilot training facilities, who, with nary a question, accepted bricks of dollars (a strange way to pay for a surely tax deductible expense) from the half-dozen or more of these dark skinned demons. Understand that the management of these flight training schools accepted tens of thousands of dollars in cash from Middle Eastern men not being sponsored by a commercial airline company (who hire virtually all of the pilots for every of the 40 or more passenger jet airlines) and made no indication that they were looking for work at one of those employers and coincidentally, showed little interest in learning how to take-off or land the $80 million dollar, 600 mph, 40 ton winged conveyances. Of course these insatiable money-hungry managers can be partially absolved. For a few of them did report these strange students to government intelligence agencies, believing that investigation and discovery of any possible dastardly deeds would surely follow. Of course it did not. Because, while our Founding Fathers envisioned a federal government centered around protecting the rights of the individual citizen and defending our borders from foreign attacks, Washington, under decades of intense pressure from the liberals and socialists and actually believing the insane proclamations from National Public Radio and the DeMedia that only in America are there truly evil people, only in America do the old eat dog food and only American's kill innocents abroad without cause, has devolved our Grand Republic into an immense employment and pension factory (among many other perverse and awful things) that molds possibly productive citizens into expert job-holders and pass-the-bucker's. Government pass-the-bucker's, who with their eyes affixed steadfastly on their pensions and their routine and their place, ignored every possible clue of the screaming catastrophe coming from our 'Friendly Skies'. And when the inevitable happened, what did they do? Pass the buck. Thousands perished, hundreds of thousands of jobs vanished and billions of dollars were vaporized. And now, by spending billions of tax dollars more, and further encroaching on our freedoms, the government of George W. Bush promises to protect us good. Real good. This time, by using the same buck-passing, job-holding, pension-watching government employees, of course, only tens of thousands more of them and giving them NAZI-like powers over the average, honest, hard-working American citizen. The challenge is, that the "average, honest, hard-working American citizen" was the victim of 911 and had nothing to do with the cause. If I remember correctly, it was our federal government, asleep at the controls, spinning its wheels in bureaucratic bullshit, that allowed the tragedy to occur and Middle Eastern Muslim radicals who perpetrated it.

11/13/2002: Economist's, Lawyers, Good with Numbers!
Economists make a nice living by predicting how all of us lemmings are going to spend our hard-earned after tax dollars. I imagine if one were to track the win/lose ratio of these boring number-crunching-nerds, I'd bet that half the time they'd prove to be correct and half the time they'd prove to be in error. All this in preface to discussing a November 11th, 2002, article in the W.S.J. by Jon E. Hilsenrath titled "History Casts Doubt on Efficacy of Tax Cuts." What drew my interest was that the two economists cited were even speculating that the federal government could actually do more good with the income earned by millions of individuals than the workers who earned the money. What kind of horse shit is this where a couple of pointy-headed other-worldly academics unilaterally propose that the people who labored for the wealth, stolen by the federal government via taxation, are not worthy of it in the first place? These economists, using historical data, insist that if taxpayers were given a rebate or a tax percentage rate cut we would use the 'windfall' in ways that would not result in spurring the economy. Pig Pig Bank Ways such as paying down our debt and increasing our savings. I'd beg to differ, because I'd imagine paying down debt gives some company, some corporation or some individual more cash with which to purchase inventory, fund payroll or any number of other 'economy spurring' functions. And I won't even address the accusation that savings do not spur the economy. I just can't imagine how an adult with even an inkling of the incredible wastefulness, the unbelievable sloth, the manner in which any governmental entity chews through millions of tax dollars like Rosie O'Donnell chews through a two foot stack of Big Mac's in forty five minutes, can even conceive of the thought that our tax dollars are better spent by our federal government. Deeper in the same issue of the W.S.J., I read how the now dismissed head of the TSA, surely a federal employee spending our tax dollars, blew 400,000 of them on just the wood paneling in his now vacant office. Point made?

11/7/2002: updated 11/8/2002Republican's Win Big !
Well, the GOP has taken control of the House and Senate and Richard Gephardt has been sent whimpering back to the corner to don the dunce cap of liberalism. Listen closely to the DeMedia folks, you can just hear the sarcasm oozing from their compact truffel-sized brains out past their gortex enhanced lips: "They had a President who went out and made 97 campaign stops for Republican candidates and whaa, whaa, whaa." I couldn't help but think that the Dems had the same possibility when Billy Boy "Blow-Job"Clinton was in office. And he may have done a lot of campaigning too, I can't remember, but the only way they gained control of the Senate was not through the ballot box, but because of that jack-off Jim Jeffers switching parties. Please remember folks, just because these congressmen are members of the Republican party, that does not mean they are conservative Republicans. There are long time 'Republicans', like Arizona's own Grant Woods, who favors educating the children of the coddled illegal aliens in whatever language they choose and the legalization of marijuana. Grant has finally come out of the closet and announced he will switch to the Democratic Party. With Mr. Woods as his campaign manager, is there any doubt as to why Matt Salmon lost his race for governor to a midget, dyke, Democrat? There are Republican office holders back East who would be considered communists out here in the True West and run out of town on an environmentally friendly rail made of Sahauro cactus. Another thing to keep in mind is, that as our population gets stupider and stupider, thanks to the valiant efforts of such unions as the National Education Association (which successfully fought back efforts by parents for teachers to pass a written test indicating they were at least as learned as the average third-grader) and the public education system in general, ManureAmerica and the huge, vastly underestimated battalions of non-English speaking illegal aliens (who appreciate ballots written in Spanish and not being embarrassed by poll workers who might have the temerity to ask for any form of identification), you may be assured that with every election, the illiterate, unknowing, uneducated and gullible residents of the USA will vote more and more liberals into office until this country is legislated into a huge pile of socialist shit with the ultra-wealthy above the heap and the rest of us in the heap. Why will uneducated numbskulls typically vote liberal? Because many liberal candidates bear the morals of a skunk and have no problem making any promise to get elected. Promises, that if made by a conservative, would be tracked, repeated, and headlined by the DeMedia until Christopher Reeves is seen on the Number 8 tee golfing with O.J. But these same promises made by a Liberal candidate will be quickly forgotten, if not erased from the tape. Illiterate, unread, unthinking and just plain lazy individuals will vote again and again (if given a ride to the polling place) for these kinds of Liberal candidates. Once elected, these same Libs, realizing that the people who voted them into office have once more turned their attention back to winning the Powerball, re-runs of Friends and Survivor!, and purchasing stacks of dry-aged T-Bone steaks (harvested from grass-fed cattle) with their WICS card down at the local Albertson's, again concentrate on their quest for absolute power over businesses, corporations, children and the common man until ninety days prior to their next election.

10/22/2002: "Colin, You're Just a Dumb Nigger !"
Harry Belafonte, isolated from real life by decades of hard work and his millions, once again demonstrates why performers should just keep their traps shut rather than blather about politics. HB The other day Mr. Belafonte spoke out against the stand on Iraq Secretary of State, Colin Powell, is supporting, by stating that Powell, was, ". . . permitted to come into the house of the master." In other words, Powell was just a dumb nigger slave. Understand friends, I too disagree with an actual invasion of Iraq (maybe that will get the van-load of rag-heads sitting outside my house to pound it down the highway) but I am not about to call anyone names over it. But you see, this is the way of the liberals. They don't need facts, they don't need to argue point counterpoint, they just need to call names and raise emotions and Mr. Belafonte has graciously stepped forward to again demonstrate this. In the Black liberal mind, the thinking is, "How could anyone of my own color (actually, in SNL tradition, Powell is a 'light-black' and Belafonte is a 'dark-black') not think exactly the way I do?" Hey Bucko! I don't know. How can American Jews, as a block, vote again and again for the Israel-hating Democratic Party? Don't know. But for Mr. Wonderful to call Jews names or for Mr. Belafonte to label Powell a slave in the house of the master, isn't going to get me to do anything except switch the channel the next time I hear or see any signs of the racist Belafonte.

10/03/2002: EBT Doesn't Stigmatize Welfare Recipiants ... Why Not!?
Of course, at the grocery store, when you go to use your debit card, the one backed up by your and your family's hard-earned money in the bank, you've seen the letters EBT on the card reader. EBT stands for 'Electronic Bank Transfer' which is the unstigmatizing way of saying W E L F A R E. EBT is the device the States and the USDA have come up with to dish out welfare benefits. (These parasites - harsh word, but absolutely true - on society, rather than being dealt 'welfare currency' now just have their available benefits tied to their account down at the welfare office and access those benefits using an EBT credit card.) Heaven forbid that individuals on welfare, who are spending tax dollars ripped from the wallets of Arizona citizens just struggling to pay the electricity bill the day before it is turned off or parking on the water meter lid so the City of Phoenix can't pull it, be stigmatized by revealing that they are on welfare when at the grocery store! A night, not too long ago, Mr. Wonderful III and myself were in the parking lot of "our" Albertson's. SpamI pointed out a shiny, black, 500SL Mercedes sitting regally between the pair of white lines and told my lad the vehicle probably cost at least $70,000. Dakota EBT (welfare) credit card"Hell, the special wheels alone are probably $1,500 apiece!" I snorted. We purchased our large can of Spam and got in line at the register. The lady in front of us looks up-town and has a pattern filled dry-clean-only dress, probably costing $300, draped over her size 8 frame. She had some problems using the card reader and as she was walking away the clerk told us she used the EBT setting. As we sauntered into the parking lot among odiferous visions of a delicious fried Spam dinner and a glass of iced City of Phoenix water, who should we see sliding behind the wheel of the $70,000 black Mercedes but the EBT user! Of course Mr.Wonderful Jr., has related numerous times when in line at the Food City stores in Tucson, where he's been behind an EBT (Welfare) card user who had nothing but Grade AAA steaks piled up on the conveyer! Yesterday, as I rushed to pick up my boy after school, I stopped at a Circle K to get buy him a soft drink and a candy bar. I waited and waited behind a slender guy whose leg was bouncing like he was either on speed or cocaine. Finally the lady said to him, "I can't break this out. You can't buy taxable food on your EBT card." It's then that on the counter I noticed a really pretty charge card with the Arizona flag on it. I looked at this apparently healthy male individual in front of me and wondered, "Why are my tax dollars being used to buy this asshole, junk food at Circle K?" I'm sorry, but my effing pity stops at me paying to feed healthy males who could be out working just like you and I. Welfare is sometimes justified, but the next time you're in line at the grocery store and you see someone using an EBT (Welfare) card, look at what they've placed on the conveyer belt and ask yourself, "Would I be willing to pull money out of my wallet right now to pay for what this person has pulled off the shelves?" More often then not, your answer will be no.

9/9/2002: EPA Values Human Life at $64 Million Per !
The Clean Air Act of 1970 has been around for over three decades accompanied by its big-government proponents posting dollar savings in numbers that not even Enron executives could manage to 'sneak' past Arthur Andersen auditors. lethal auto exhaust, ooooooooohhhhhhhhh!According to a Legis Brief dated June/July 1996, by Jackie Cummins, the EPA estimates that while complying with their mandates consumed approximately $25 billion per year since 1970, the annual benefits were running at an astounding $250 billion! And now in an 8/28/2002 article in the WSJ, we learn that the Federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that 11,700 individuals lives have been spared from extermination due to the lowering of carbon monoxide emissions mandated by that same 1970s Act. If one takes the $750 billion expended on the 11,700 lives saved over the past thirty years, we see that for each person spared $64,102,000 has been spent. Okay, okay, let's estimate overall that the Act saved ten times as many citizens from the horrible "death by pollution." That would put the value of each life saved at over $6 million each! That is a horrible, horrible, cost benefit ratio. This same kind of disregard by all government agencies towards any kind of sensible cost/benefit analysis carries over to their oversight of the auto industry. We now have automobiles that are so safe that they easily cost over $30,000 new. (In 1980, I purchased my first "5-Series" BMW for less than the window sticker price of $10,000!) And Washington keeps mandating added safety features driving the purchase prices up even further. Not to speak of the monthly auto insurance costs that are now approaching the rental price of a studio apartment. The government Wisenheim's keep piling on safety features, and the car manufacturers keep piling on the mark-up even though the passé driver's training has been proven again and again to be the number one finest and affordable safety 'device' around. I turned Ted Kennedy red the other day when I heard on the AM radio that last year, airbags (which add anywhere from $500 to $5,000 to the cost of the 17 million new cars purchased each year, and continue to flash fry the flesh hair off of any exposed body parts) had been absolutely proven to have saved all of 300 lives in year 2001! That probably works out to more than $64 million spent to save each life. Digesting what you have just read, can you understand how our federal government, unbound by the ropes of economics, any concern for profits or losses, much less taxes, and populated by the LSD, peyote, and marijuana riddled 'children of the '60s,' can and will, under any pretense, this one being 'safety', given the chance and the opportunity, consume every single cent earned by every mom, dad, child, sister, brother, partnership and corporation?