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National Year of Reading


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Witch Princess by Jim Alderson

Twitches Chrissymess by Roy Apps

Vampire in the Family by Roy Apps

Ask Me No Questions by Clare Bevan

Dinosaurs Book of Dinosaurs by Keith Brumpton

Dinosaur World Cup by Keith Brumpton

Computer Nut by Betsy Byars

18th Emergency by Betsy Byars

Kiss of the Vampire by J B Calchman

Death Comes to the Circus by Jan Carew

Big Day by Rob Childs

Big Kick by Rob Childs

Hounds of Winter by Louise Cooper

Great! You've Just Ruined the Rest of My Life by Yvonne Coppard

Not Dressed Like That You Don't by Yvonne Coppard

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl

James and the Giant Peach by Roald Dahl

Matilda by Roald Dahl

The Cat Ate My Gymshoes by Roald Dahl

Twits by Roald Dahl

Witches by Roald Dahl

Amber Brown Goes Forth by Paula Danziger

Amber Brown is Not a Crayon by Paula Danziger

Garfield Classics V I by Jim Davis

S'No Joke Book by Terry Deary

Terrible Tudors by Terry Deary

Vicious Vikings by Terry Deary

Ring by Susan Duberley

Angel of Nitshill Road by Anne Fine

Flour Babies by Anne Fine

Dad on the Run by Sarah Garland

Beware the Killer Coat by Susan Gates

Dead End Job by John Goodwin

Fox Fire by Gwen Grant

Third Climber by Paul Groves

Last Vampire by Willis Hall

Don't Tell Me What To Do by Michael Hardcastle

Race Against the River by Greg Harruff

Spooks by Colin & Jackie Hawkins

Vampires by Colin & Jackie Hawkins

Witches by Colin & Jackie Hawkins

Ray's Story by Mary Hooper

Jenny's Story by Mary Hooper

Revolting Wedding by Mary Hooper

No Rent To Pay by Anita Jackson

Bennett Manor by Anita Jackson

Ear by Anita Jackson

Spine Chiller by Ann Mann

Reversible Giant by Robert Leeson

Martian Comes to Stay by Penelope Lively

Disastrous Dog by Penelope Lively

Feet and Other Stories by Jan Mark

Francis Fry Private Eye by Sam McBratney

Black Cat by John Milne

Money for a Motorbike by John Milne

Pickles Sniffs It Out by Morgan & Schulman

Wonder Witch Goes to the Dogs by Helen Muir

Worst Witch Strikes Again by Jill Murphy

Five Fanious Fairtales by Bill Naughton

Goal Keepers Revenge by Bill Naughton

Han Me Down Kid by Francine Pascal

Arctic Adventure by Willard Price

I Want That Pony by Christine Pullein-Thompson

Count Karlstein by Philip Pullman

Gasfitter's Ball by Philip Pullman

Spring Heeled Jack by Philip Pullman

Thunderbolt's Wax Work by Philip Pullman

Kaspar in the Glitter by Philip Ridley

Meteorite Spoon by Philip Ridley

Ghost Twins I by D Currie Regan

Even Stevens FC by Michael Rosen

Bernie Works a Miracle by Rosselson & Sheppard

King's Castle by Ann Ruffell

Goosebumps by R L Stein

Tom's Tale by Judith Stinton

There's a Viking in My Bed by Jeremy Strong

Viking in Trouble by Jeremy Strong

Go-Ahead Gang by Robert Swindells

Siege of Frimly Prim by Robert Swindells

Beware the Morris Minor by John Townsend

Ants by John Tully

Ghosts of Zol by John Tully

Spider by John Tully

Truggs by John Tully

Sir Quinton Quest Hunts the Jewel by Umansky & Brown

Beach Baby by Frances Usher

Thomas and the Tinners by Jill Paton Walsh

Hopping Mad by Nick Warburton

Jump by William Warren

Stone the Crows It's a Vacuum Cleaner by Bob Wilson

Spooked by Philip Wooderson

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Bronze | Silver: A-F | Silver: G-L | Silver: M-Z | Gold | Platinum Reading List

This website was written by Valerie at Chrysalys Crafts
on 3rd December 1998 and last updated 6th February 1999

© 1998 Chrysalys Crafts