support the Anarchist Black Cross.

The Anarchist Black Cross is an international federation dedicated to freeing all political, class war, and anarchist prisoners. Anarchist Black Cross was founded after the Bolshevik Counterrevolution in Russia as a campaign to free anarchists jailed for their politics. While many countries have political prisoners, it is the practice of the United States, and other capitalist countries, to try and delegitimize and trivialize the politics and rights of political prisoners by framing them with manufactured criminal charges. There are currently hundreds of political prisoners in the United States who need our support.

Get involved today so that our brothers and sisters may be free!

You can contact the Anarchist Black Cross by writing to this address

Anarchist Black Cross
c/o Patterson ABC
P.O.Box 8523
Patterson, NJ. 07508

These are some political prisoners currently serving time that need our help and support. While there are many more cases other than the ones listed on this page, these are some that we are more familiar with. If anyone knows of other political prisoners that are in need of support and would like to put information about them up here then please email us and let me know about them.

[IMAGE]Chris Plummer - An anti - racist anarchist activist serving time for taking action against nazi scum.
Leonard Peltier - A Native American political prisoner imprisoned for a shoot out between the FBI and the American Indian Movement (AIM). There is proof of his innocence and that the FBI targeted him for being an activist yet he still remains imprisoned today.
Fred Hampton Jr. - Jailed for his affiliation with Uhuru and for being an outspoken defender of African people's democratic rights. (as well as being the son of slain Black Panther leader Fred Hampton)
Mumia Abu Jamal - A political prisoner on death row who was falsely arrested and convicted of the death of a police officer. Singled out because of his activist work with groups like the Black Panther Party and for his work as a journalist not afraid to report the real truth.
Silvia Baraldini - An anti - imperialist political prisoner involved with groups like the Black Liberation Army, the Committee to Free Assata Shakur, and many other revolutionary organizations. She is serving a 47 year sentence for conspiracy against the US.

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