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Strawberry, Az...Pictures

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Just west of Strawberry, in Fossil Creek Canyon

Also Fossil Creek Canyon

On Rim Road, 15 miles north of Strawberry

Fossil Creek Canyon

On Rim Road, looking through torched trees toward Payson

On top of the world! Oops! I mean the Mogollon Rim

Strawberry Schoolhouse, the oldest in the state of Arizona

This is C.C. Calloway's cabin, built in 1882, after our suprising but beautiful snow of 31 inches on April Fool's Day, 1999.

And what else would kids in Arizona in a snowstorm do but play in it?

Strawberry Creek with actual running water!

One of our resident wild peccaries (javelina. For those of you not in the know, it's pronounced have-uh-leena)

Beautiful downtown Strawberry!

The infamous General Crook's Trail on top of the Rim. This trail stretches across the Rim to the White Mountains.

This is an agave, aka Century Plant. It actually blooms after growing about 10 years and then dies (some people say 30 years or more).

This is Strawberry's sister village, Pine. It is only 3 miles down the hill and about 500 feet lower in elevation.

The changing of the seasons is beautiful on the East Verde River.

This is one of the original settler's cabins in Pine that was constructed in 1883. It is now an artist showcase. Stop in and say hi to Mary.

Towering over Pine and Strawberry is the magnificent Mogollon Rim (taken from Milk Ranch Point).

Taken from Pine, this is Milk Ranch Point.

The setting sun lights up the trees along Ralls Drive.

Along the East Verde River in fall.

Another wonderful end to a wonderful day in Strawberry!