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Web Junkie Zone! - Spirit Page

My Spirit Page

[Spirit] [Supporters] [Garden] [Gifts]

Hello all! Thanks for visiting. I've joined the Site Fights and I started fighting on Monday
17 January. I'm soooo excited!! I'm on the Cherished Teddies Team!
Please VOTE for me - I'll really appreciate it. If you'd like to exchange votes, let me know!
Good Luck and may the Spirit be with you. :)

Rate this site at WEEKLY TOP SPIRIT PAGES!

Please visit my team and vote for them!!! :)

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F is for fightin'
for friends and for fun
so let's do all three
Come on everyone!!!

At the Site Fights we fight
to make friends
not to win
OK, guys! Let the fighting begin!!!
Good Luck Everone!!!

I have become a quill for the Cherished Teddies! I am known as Moon Bear Quill. Here's my Quill Button:

View my Spirit Garden!

Oh my gosh! I won the team spirit award! :) *cheer*

Look! I got the Spirit Award. Thanks DStar Catcher!

My spirit page got an award!!!

The Teddies are the greatest,
the Teddies are so cool.
Here at the Site Fights,
the Cherished Teddies rule!

The Teddies are the greatest,
the Teddies are the best.
The Cherished Teddies team,
will win any contest!!

Visit my Supporters!
Please pay my support a visit. They're great!! Also, you
can pick up a gift here! ;)

Thanks for this wonderful gift, Tuffy!! :)

See my other gifts!

Look at my teddy, D'Honey Bear.

I like to cheer, I like to fight.
I love to shout with all my might!
If I don't win, well that's OK.
I'll just come back another day!
And what's more: I'm making friends.
I hope the fighting never ends!!!!

TSF Vote Banner Exchange
TSF Vote Banner Exchange

This Cherished Teddies site is owned by Dinč.
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Thanks for visiting!
May the Spirit be with you! :)

[Spirit] [Supporters] [Garden] [Gifts]

Graphics from the Cherished Teddies.