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November 2, 1999
my stub

Ok, heres where im gonna talk about my personal experience of the whole night from my first blink-182 concert.
alright, first things first, my ride was late, so we (My girlfriend, her friends Jeni, and Lauren and I) waited way in the back of the line waiting to get in... Then we got about 10 feet from the entrance, and I had to get in the bakc of the newly formed guys line... Alright, so we all got searched....And surprisingly, Katie got her camera in (pics didnt turn out, sorry.) and we waited for Fenix TX to go on. When they went on...they rocked! it was a great set, but a short one at that. Then, everyone waited to pass the time waiting for blink-182 wile listening/watching Silverchair make fools of themselves. "Hali-fucking-yoo-yuh...". But, there was a moment of entertainment during Silverchair when some dumb retard in an alien costume stood right in front of us and tryed to dance, it was great. Ok, then silverchair plays "Ana's song," so we figure the sets almost over so i go down and get as close to the front as i can. then i stand there with Lauren, with no room to move ANYWHERE and about 3 feet from the fence. Well, we waited there for what seemed like an hour, hot, and sweaty, thirsty and tired. There, we smelled the only hint of Pot all night. Well while waiting there, i did all from try to Pick lauren's nose, to ask the girl behind me (that couldnt take her hand off my ass) to hit me in the head for being there. But when they came out, it was dark but everyone went nuts. they opened with dumpweed and continued with a very awesome variety of Enema of the State, and Dude Ranch. Only playing two songs from Chesire Cat. Not to mention Mark and Tom were funny as hell with a series of hilarious jokes and immaturities. Travis kept silent and stiff as usual. Also, lots of boobies....chicks w/o shirts pretty mcuh wherever you looked. And of course, being at the ocncert didnt change one thing about me, im still a jerk...some chick had a sign that said "kristen loves you!!" and had an arrow pointing down at her, and i wouldnt have took it from her and ripped it up, but i couldnt see any of the anyways, little bit later, i ended up in the mosh pit and getting knocked on my ass by someone about 3x my size, then kicked in the face by someone else. so when it was over, i had no voice, a new shirt, a poster, a sticker and my necklace was overall the concert kicked! ...Wow, i talk too much.
