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College Gal

Look! She's all dressed up and ready for school!

A little while ago I (Zaria) found out that Britney Spears is going to ASU (Arizona State).  I was pretty shocked by this because I didn't know that sluts need education past the 10th grade. I guess she wanted to be the very first Spears to complete college.  I can just see her mom back in Louisianna clapping her hands, saying, " My baby is gon git hawself an edumacation!" If Britney is really hungry for knowledge and not just cheese grits, why would she choose ASU?  There's nothing out here but roadkill, tumbleweeds, and cactus.  The only good thing for her is that she wouldn't have to buy so much tan-in-a-can cause the AZ heat would roast her ugly ass to a crisp.  Anyways, ASU is sending out letters to some of their students letting them know that they might have a "star" on campus and maybe even classes with her. My friend's brother's friend ( got it? ) goes to ASU and they sent him one of these letters.  Here was his prayer later on at dinner.

         Josh : Dear God, thanks for blessing us with this wonderful meal...Oh and could you PLEASE let me have at least one class with Britney?

In a sweet voice..."How will she ever learn with ALL this attention?" Bitch.

BTW : My older sister will be going to ASU the same years as Britney. Maybe if she's nice to her she'd let her borrow Justin, or at least hook her up with some good Nsync tickets. Come on! A girl can dream can't she?

Britney, I hear Madame Vikki's School for the Modern Day Whore is taking applications, just in case you change your mind about ASU. : )