Boys Will Be Boys

We won't even try to explain this picture...(but doesn't A.J look like a muppet from Sesame Street? Go take another look.)

Disclaimer: Nothing on this site is meant to be harmful, so don't take anything too seriously...It all comes from the crazy imaginations of two bored sisters.

Last  *Updated*  August 14

OK, this site was our little summer project I guess. Now that summer is pretty much over we probably won't be updating the site anymore. We have waay to much school stuff to do and there's just no more time for the site. We are still huge fans of the BSB but we can't keep it up. Plus we didn't get much feedback, sooo, this is the end of BWBB. We will leave the site up just in case we change our minds , plus we worked so hard on it, it would be a shame for it to be deleted. - Zaria and Quinn

We Don't Hate Them

Review Of "Millennium"


Picture of the Week

Top 5 Reasons....

TRL-The Saga Continues


Dumbest Pictures You'll Ever See

Random Thoughts

They're Too Fresh

Why We Hate 98 Degrees

The Pigeons Club

Don't Point At Your Brain


Disney's Summer Jam Review

College Gal

Mirror Mirror on Nsync's Wall

HIP HOP, umm not really...

Introducing, "4 Legit Code"!

Review of the Teen Choice Awards

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This page was created on June 7,1999