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Stop Hatin' on Howie!

"This is Howie do it!". "I'm waay uncool!". " Howie doin' sweetheart?". These are some interesting phrases we've heard from the Latin Lover. They're kind of dorky, kind of strange...but why do lots of people feel the need to hate him? I just don't get it, to me he's not cute or anything, but he's not hideous. I admit that I make fun of him a little and he's not one of my favs but I don't HATE him. He's not a troll either. Trolls are short beasts with long hair and Howie is short and he does have long hair but he's not a beast. Look at how much he's changed over the years. He doesn't look THAT bad, the facial hair is working for him. And for the love of God, he's not gay!!! He's just been single for a very, very long time, but I think he has a girlfriend now so everyone needs to get over their "Homosexual Howie" phase. He geniunely seems like a nice guy and he does have his share of fans. His fans even made this little H.I.P. H.O.P. (Howie is Perferct. Howie is our Pride.) thingy. It sort of made me laugh though. Howie isn't perfect and Howie definetely isn't my pride but I'm not going to hate him. Or at least I'll try...

Btw, his eye twitches are not his fault!

Here's the old Howie

Here's the new Howie


Thanks to Caitlin at Backstreet.Net for the new Howie pics.