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We didn't write this one so don't send us hatemail saying, "Leighanne is soooo sweet!!!" cause we don't care! Brian and Leighanne seem to make a cute couple so we'll just leave it at that. Meagan sent this one in so here's a little note from her:

This is about Leighanne (or Bitchanne as I like to call her), Brian's g/f. If youve seen her you know shes a skank. Almost as bad as Britney whore ass Spears!! Well here you go, it's to No One Else Comes Close. Thanx! ~*~Meagan~*~

No One Else Comes Close (To Your Skankiness)

When we turn out the lights

The two of us and Lil' Tyke

Something's just not right

And girl I know you spiked my drink

Then kidnapped me, cause I would never date someone so ugly

But no one else can know or you'll kill me

Chorus: No one else comes close to you

You're such a skanky bitch ass whore

I really hate your big fake boobs

And especially how your tan comes from a tube

Every time you leave at night

I know you go to 5th and Pike

Girl with just a touch, damn I hate you so much

No one else comes close

And when I come home to

Another guy in my bed

I go run and puke, oh lord

Leighanne you know you have HIV and

You're gonna give it to me

When you rape me senselessly

That is it I'm outta here right now

I'm runnin

Chorus 2x

No one else comes close

Damn you're slutty

Email  : Meagan

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