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Disney's Summer Jam Concert

Here's what we thought of this high quality Disney special.

When 98 Degrees sang "The Hardest Thing", I thought they were having technical difficulties until I saw Justin trying to do that "deep-voiced-talking-thingie". OMG!! It was too funny. I bet he was trying to say "Baby, I know you're hurting..."

Britney loves free clothes, huh? Then why doesn't she ever put more on?

I'm surprised Shitney had a whole shirt on! Rosie O' Donnell probably threatened to beat her within an inch of her life is she didn't cover up all her rolls.

Dammit! When Nsync is selling ice cream why is it that the hordes of girls scream at whatever they say?! I bet they couldn't even hear clearly. They could've said "Dog shit tastes great!" and all the girs would've beem like "Hell Yeah!"

I swear I thought I saw Monica Lewinsky in the audience. She was probably looking for Joey.

God! Nick Lachey is so buff that it's disgusting. He had the veins popping out of his shoulders when he was singing "I Do Cherish You". Nasty. Just plain nasty.

Michael Affrick? What the hell is up with this guy?? Does anyone remember that show Doogie Howser? This guy looks like Doogie's best friend! You know, the one with the carpet eyebrows. I couldn't help but laugh at his skeletal frame it those tight, tight leather pants. Leather only works for some people!! Also, don't wear tight shirts if you don't have muscles! That only works for Ricky Martin!

I  think Nsync's performance was pretty good. They sang well and danced well and it was just a nice little show all in all.