Fresh Step

Oh how we loathe them!

Look at this!!! What the hell is up with this??? When I first saw this pic of Fresh Step I  was like, "I've seen these outfits somewhere before!"  I just couldn't believe these pricks had the nerve to wear the same freakin outfits! I was wondering if the devil "aka Lou Pearlman" put these ugly homos together to form Backstreet Boys Phase II. They are in the exact same pose as the Backstreet Boys and that's the thing that really scared me. They were on the Late Show with David Letterman I guess, but I didn't see it. I wanted to to if they were for real so I checked out their website but that wasn't any help worth shit. If you have any info on these losers email us cause we are sooo freakin confused!  ARE THEY A REAL GROUP OR NOT?!?!?

Ok, we've received tons of e-mails telling us that Fresh Step is not a real group. We feel soooo very stupid for not knowing, but I guess it's not really our faults because we don't watch that goat-toothed Letterman's show. Thanks anyways peoples.