Kevin Reeves???

(we think so!)

Are you seeing doubles?

When we saw this picture of Kevin, I had a flashback to the early 90s when I saw Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure and immediatly thought of Keanu Reeves! Isn't it scary how similar they look here? Hmm??? Don't you agree? Of course you do! They are probably long lost brothers seperated at birth. Here are some similarities that we noticed..

        1. They have the same initials..Kevin Richardson, Keanu Reeves..See??

        2. They both used to have long, hideous hair!

        3. In the last 3 years they have gone from being not gorgeous ( Kevin's Oasis days) to being hella fine!


Here are some more look alike pics.

Aaaw Yeah! Gotta love wifebeaters!

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Thanks to Rach at Ding!Ding! Triangle! for the pic of Kev w/ long hair.